River Break Settlement in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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River Break

A turn in the river is marked by trees of increasingly enormous size, with pillar-like trunks, huge leafy limbs, and canopies which spread a hundred feet or more over head.    The broken remains of a great stone gate and sunken old statues, still discernibly of Elven make despite the weight of years, jut from the river.


Meditation Space Elves don’t sleep, but this room serves for quiet meditation and personal time. Soft mats made of woven leaves are placed directly on the ground. Wood-slatted curtains can
be rolled down around the edges of the platform for darkness and privacy.   Gathering/Work Space These chambers combine general storage with places for elves to meet and collaborate. Goods and items are stored across the ceilings of the platforms, on specially designed
shelves and hooks.   King’s Court This unique chamber is off limits, even to other elves, save by the King’s request. At least one seneschal remains here at all times, unless dismissed by the King.


River Break is the largest and oldest settlement of elves in the Tanglebrier.   The outpost has been continually occupied for many centuries - dating back to the days when the elven empire still stood - and is renowned among elves for the organically grown architecture, the driftlight crystal illumination and numerous other artistic touches from that period of elven architecture. An ambiance of soft chimes and sweet incense pervades the compound.   The function of the different platforms changes based on need, but they are generally divided into two roles, with a few special chambers set aside.
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