Jackote Species in The Devillous Anthologies | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Jackotes are a bipedal species that resemble Earth canines. They have slender faces with long snouts, narrow eyes and long ears on the top of their heads. Their long legs end in small paws and their arms have long, slender fingers tipped in short but powerful claws. Their fingertips, palms and paws have thick rough pads. They have long, bushy tails that hang downwards. The Jackotes teeth are very sharp.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivores and will eat basically anything. They do not cook their food and will often eat carrion, which is a staple of their diet.


Jackotes are a very lighthearted and carefree species. They enjoy playing tricks on each other and others, and often have hidden meanings in what they say. Jokes and riddles are an important aspect of communication between Jackotes. Because of this the species is by nature very observant, suspicious and meticulous.
    These aspects make the species very dangerous predators as they make them adept at concealing themselves from, detecting, and setting up traps for their prey. It is of general belief within the scientific community that these behaviours were adapted precisely for these purposes and not as a consequence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Due to their nature they live in large groups. These groups are very close-knit. Jackotes however are nor territorial and these groups tend to intermingle. They don’t really have any sort of caste system within these groups, but there are some who are more respected, these are usually the leaders.

Civilization and Culture

Common Etiquette Rules

If something will be hard for someone else to swallow they will tell it as a joke. And all jokes will be laughed at, no matter the topic of the joke.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most Jackote culture revolves around trick, traps, riddles, and puzzles. Cultural leaders are individuals who are adept at each of these aspects, and are excellent at spotting and evading trickery and have the knowledge to solve challenging puzzles.

Common Taboos

Over-seriousness tends to put them on edge. As such serious topics are often told through joking, and not doing so is seen as quite rude. This is the most common case of cultural misunderstandings between them and other species.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many Jackotes find other species to be more interesting company since as they are less accustomed to their ways, and therefore take the fall easier. As such, their favourite species are those that haven’t spent much time around the species.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Jackote’s pelts are very dark, usually black, navy blue or dark purples, rarely charcoal grey or green. They often have (comparatively) brighter markings, usally around the eyes, on the limbs, and/or on their tails, most commonly these are red or gold, but other colours are often documented.

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