Dante Character in The Devillous Anthologies | World Anvil
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Dante De Luca

A young Italian born and raised man who’s father is a Mafioso in the Mafia back in Sicily. He leads a gang called Cobra Venom.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has lean muscles. Not the most graceful guy but not clumsy either.

Facial Features

Heart shaped face with a sharp jaw. His eyes are narrow and peircing. Thin eyebrows. Nose is a little crooked and it is small.

Identifying Characteristics

Eyebrow and lip piercing.

Physical quirks

Right handed. Good posture. Smooth gait.

Special abilities

Gains the ability to create ‘Force Shields’ with powerful offensive capabilities as well as defensive, and later short term intangibility.

Apparel & Accessories

Black slacks. White shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Black running shoes with red accents. Has a black jacket in the colder months.

Specialized Equipment

Carries a small switchblade.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dante’s mother divorced his Mobster father, and took her teenage son to Canada, but Dante was interested in his father’s job and after a few years, started a gang with other like-minded young men around his age against her wishes. However, he doesn’t really know the full scope of what the Mafia actually does.


Gay. Unknowingly polyamorous.


Did good in school up to high school. Dropped out of college to his mother’s dismay.


He does small jobs for store owners and restauranteers. They like him, and the restauranteers give him food as thanks.

Intellectual Characteristics

He’s very smart. Was good at almost all subjects in school.

Morality & Philosophy

As a moral nihilist he doesn’t understand why people freak out about so many things. He doesn’t think the illegal things he does are wrong, though he really doesn’t do anything super horrible.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Pasta, black, white, art, dogs, cats


Pretty good, but sometimes he forgets to do things.


Family Ties

His mother, Chiara De Luca.

Social Aptitude

He is pretty vulgar and fairly rude but can be very charismatic if he wanted to. He is an ambivert, leaning to extrovert. Not very big on etiquette.


Pitched fairly high. Italian accent. Has a large vocabulary but doesn’t use a lot of big words. Swears quite a lot in both English and Italian. Sometimes peppers in random Italian words.

Wealth & Financial state

Middle class.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Unplanned but welcome
Sicily, Italy
Light grey
Platinum blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan
130 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Italian, French

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