The Khandri Character in The Dark Maybe | World Anvil
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The Khandri

Execerpt from "On The Origin of the Khandri, by Chronicler Fogel Alyan" page 45.
While we all know the Khandri as the mysterious being that unified the warring Great Houses, and in their ashes formed the Order of Yuin-Dar, which now holds dominion over several distinct dimensions. Apart from this we know next to nothing about him, apart from the propaganda perpetuated by the Order. It is as if he appeared to come out of nowhere. His many deeds, lifespan, and wisdom has led many to explain him as god like figure, perhaps a reincarnation or aspect of Alketh or Voropti. Yet, I believe its not that simple, because as we know, nothing about the Khandri is ever simple.   In fact the only group that seems remotely certain in their convictions about the Khandri are my esteemed but often overzealous colleagues in the Lifequill Guild.     powerfulsacrilege
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
2.5 m
Aligned Organization

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