Session #1: A Warforged, a Tiefling, and an Aasimar Walk into a Tavern . . . Report in The Cosmos | World Anvil
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Session #1: A Warforged, a Tiefling, and an Aasimar Walk into a Tavern . . .

General Summary

Doc and I met with the Society of Sensation today, along with a couple other new friends! The first that walked into Imel’s was this big Warforged from Mechanus: he said his name was Søren, and he was also invited by the Society. Apparently, he can’t eat or drink, which sounds really sad. Can you imagine not being able to try Imel’s cheese??? He seems just as interested in different peoples as I am, though I think that’s part of his job with the Assembly. Can you imagine being paid to learn about people??? That’s the dream...     A Tiefling named Clarity came in the tavern soon after Søren - apparently she’d been tracking him on behalf of someone named Weyer (Søren said they were from the same batch, which I’m assuming means they’re related) and handed him some sort of metal envelope. I wonder if everything in Mechanus is made of metal. I love her jewelry so, so much! Plus she can DRAWWWW. She wants to make a ton of maps of places, which is super rad.     Funny enough, Clarity was also being tracked (does this happen a lot in Sigil?) by an Aasimar named Caelen. He’s handsome, but looked kind of sad - which makes sense cause he later shared that he’d made an ill-fated pact with a Fiend. Speaking of fate, crazy how many coincidences brought us together for this mission - I wonder if we’ll work together after this? Doc and I could use some help with our investigating!     The recorder from the Society of Sensation showed up soon after the rest, introducing himself as Montgomery. He’s a Firbolg, and I don’t know what I was expecting, but he was certainly fit! The Society wants us to go check out the cave system and plant a rose in the most void touched part. The rose doesn’t appear to be magical (according to Clarity), so not sure why Factions are so interested in it.     After Montgomery left, we noticed a Kobold named Akeela Aquilla Mox had been listening at the door, as her group wanted the same thing. She said a bunch of stuff, so I decided to peep inside her brain and WOWZA - there was a lot of screams in there. She mentioned: The Cavern of Thought, The Gatehouse, The Hive, Batwings from the Ground, and some person named Dyrrn.     After Akeela left, Søren returned to the room (idk where he went) and told us his people AKA the Assembly was also interested in whatever blooms from the rose. Sounds like whatever this is, it’s a pretty hot commodity… I’m not sure yet what to do about what blooms - Doc and I really need to get in with one of these Factions, so we can get the info we need. But I really like these people we just met today, and if Søren needs it...     Speaking of Factions, when we went back downstairs, this dude who’d been staring at me during performances finally approached us. He said his name was Trazhesh Trazes, and that he was a member of the Free League, who believe every person in Sigil should be informed about their options regarding the Factions before making a decision. He gave us the complete low down on who’s who in Sigil:  
  • The Free League - believe in survival of the fittest; help others with joining factions and have information about the planes
  • The Society of Sensation (AKA The Sensates) - believe that in order to understand and master the cosmos, you need to experience as much as possible; one of the most powerful
  • The Bleak Cabal (AKA The Bleakers) - believe there is no meaning to the cosmos and nothing makes sense; an altruistic group, where the sick and the poor go; currently one of the least powerful
  • The Athar (AKA The Lost) - believe gods are frauds and some believe they should kill as many Powers as they can and claim their knowledge; most well meaning but most misunderstood
  • The Believers of the Source - believe all life springs from a source and that we are in a constant state of ascension and descension, so once all have ascended, then the cosmos will end
  • The Doom Guard - believe entropy is the most powerful entity in the cosmos, and that it is not just chaos, but also building anew
  • The Fated (AKA The Takers) - believe those who can take and seize power have the right to; made up of the Thieves Guild and several bureaucrats, it is one of the most powerful factions; known for holding a grudge
  • The Transcendent Order (AKA The Ciphers) - believe that action is the way of the cosmos; members train so their bodies react in accordance with their thoughts; has subfactions across planes, making them powerful
  • The Sign of One - believe each individual has a cosmos within their mind and reality is imagined; some believe one person may have it in their mind and could control the cosmos
  • The Dustmen - believe we’re all dead already and we find the meaning in that or true death or purge ourselves of it or something (this really confused me - gotta learn more)
  • The Mercy Killers - part of the legal triad of Sigil, they believe punishment leads to perfection; they are the enactors of justice within the city
  • The Fraternity of Order (AKA The Governors) - part of the legal triad of Sigil, they believe everything has a law and place; if you can learn all the laws, you can control the cosmos
  • The Harmonium - part of the legal triad of Sigil, they believe peace and harmony is the ultimate goal (as long as it fits their definition they are the law enforcement of Sigil
  • The Xaositects - believe chaos is truth and order is delusion; by embracing randomness, they can find the meaning of the cosmos
  • The Revolutionary League - believe the factions are corrupt and need to be broken down and remade
    After Trazes was finished, we chatted a bit with Imel about his Faction, The Transcendent Order. He agrees with Trazes that any Faction would be happy to receive whatever blooms, so looks like we’ll have to decide who to give it to once we’ve completed the task. Although, I’m beginning to wonder how many other people have been given this task before us and failed…Ah well! This is our task, and we gotta do it. Just hoping certain...people...don’t decide now is a time to start looking for Doc and I. Who knows, maybe the Cavern will hold some information regarding his wife or the Verdan - wouldn’t that be awesome!     Before we left to gather supplies, Imel requested that we do him a small favor. He told us that he’s really interested in serving some Torilian Death Cheese (who wouldn’t be) as part of his cheese festival. According to Imel, the Cavern of Thought acts as a sort of dumping ground for items across the planes, including both Inner and Outer. If there’s some Torilian Death Cheese anywhere near Sigil, it would be there.Our party agreed to bring him back some cheese if we find any. I think Imel will put in a good word for us with the Order if we do - or maybe he’ll let us try some for free! Wouldn’t that be exciting.     Gotta go get some supplies now before we head out - hope something crazy happens. That would make for a good story if it did, and I need to develop some new content.
Report Date
02 Jun 2021

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