The continent of boesia The Mercenaries from Harich Investigate the Raid on the NCASL Facility in Hosbugheim
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The Mercenaries from Harich Investigate the Raid on the NCASL Facility in Hosbugheim

Criminal Activity


The mercenaries from the Harich job are approached by one of their members' old crew, who hires them to locate the stolen artefact. They travel to Hosbugheim to meet her and eventually pursue their quarry. They kidnap a security guard, release a security guard, join forces with a corporate spy, and break into a penthouse suite at the Turmveitel Hotel. In the ensuing confrontation, the Amphora is damaged and the party flees with its steward, an elf and former colleague of the corporate spy.

Joane d'Nouvelle, Milo Seagrave, and Jack Konigson are given contact information for one of Milo's old crew, a thief and fixer known as The Astronomer by Mr. Kanakov, Joane's arms dealer in Harich. The group travels to Hosbugheim where they meet up with The Astronomer.   In the time before the crew met each other, Milo and a few others in Hosbugheim ran with a thief and swindler named Tristan Pride, who met his untimely end in an incident involving a shootout near another Amphora. The resulting destruction of the artefact released an energy wave that granted Milo and the Astronomer magical mutations.   The Astronomer hires the group to locate and retrieve the Amphora that was stolen from an NCASL lab in the city a week prior, so that she can safely destroy it. She gives them a lead (the address of a security guard who let the thieves into the lab). They abduct him and take whatever data they can find from his house and after some...questionable choices, they learn that the Amphora is being held in the Turmveitel Hotel and Casino.   Towards the end of the second day of preparation for the heist, the party is approached by Jesse, an intelligence agent for Tannhauser Industries who claims he's been asked to locate the Amphora by his employers. He offers the party what he knows, having been staying at the hotel and assists them with the plan. When the party finally locates the Amphora at the penthouse, it's revealed that Jesse knows the man who was studying it for the thieves. Heilyn Bradànor, an elf and former colleague of Jesse's was studying the artefact before it was intended to be transported to the mastermind behind the thieves, who Heilyn wouldn't divulge but claimed was only intending to safely study it and keep it out of the hands of the government. In the confrontation with the party, the Amphora is damaged and Heilyn agrees to accompany the group as they spirit the artefact away to let it detonate somewhere safer. They take the artefact to an abandoned stadium in the city's decrepit Iron District, where it goes critical. Instead of just exploding, it creates a localised singularity, sucking in mass and energy around it until it finally expels energy outwards, exposing Joane and Milo to its strange radiation and leaving a gravitational anomaly behind in the stadium. The group retreats to the Astronomer's brownstone to recover from events. their van breaks down after damaged sustained at the stadium once they arrive.

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