Heilyn Bradànor Character in The Continent of Boesia | World Anvil
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Heilyn Bradànor (Hey-Lin)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although Heilyn is shorter than most elves (5'11), he has the kind of lithe, agile form that is common among the species. One could compare his body type to that of a professional gymnast.

Apparel & Accessories

Herden is generally a fairly cool climate, especially in the hilly environs of Erikmaar, which approaches the vast mountain ranges to the country's west. Typical Herdenese fashion (except for on the eastern coast) has evolved to represent this environment.
Additionally, Heilyn (like many Herdenese elves) wears the traditional silver body jewellery--consisting of chains and solid bands that embellish parts of the wrist, palm, and pointer finger on the right hand.

Specialized Equipment

Heilyn was trained by the Tannhauser Industries intelligence division in close-quarters combat with short and medium-length edged weapons. Additionally, he also carries a compact personal defence weapon and a concealable sidearm

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Heilyn is Herdenese by nationality. Growing up, he was raised in both the predominant human culture of the country as well as the culture of the small snow-elf community in the city of Erikmaar. They had a relatively normal upbringing, eventually going to college and studying international relations and history. Heilyn has always been something of a history nerd. His passions include tabletop roleplaying games, electronic music, and martial arts.

Gender Identity

Assigned male at birth, identifies as male, presents somewhat androgynously.


pansexual, preference for men.


Heilyn studied international relations and history at the College of Osterdam.


Shortly after finishing a bachelor's degree at the College of Osterdam, Heilyn was recruited by Tannhauser Industries as an "International Asset Stability Analyst". Originally, he worked primarily as a data analyst, assessing how events in global politics influenced the stability of the corporation's assets and enterprises in multiple countries. About six months in, he was chosen to be part of the company's infamous corporate intelligence service, the details of which are almost entirely hidden from the public. There he trained as a field operative who was dispatched along with his unit in order to handle high-risk threats and ensure corporate secrets were secure. 
The work of these units varies situationally, but Heilyn's work typically ended up being similar to that of a spy's, and on rare occasions, an assassin's. Heilyn functionally resigned from his position in the company when he killed both a Tannhauser scientist and a representative for the Northern Continental Alliance Strategic Laboratories to whom they were tasked with transferring a high-value item. Shortly after, he fled the country.

Morality & Philosophy

Heilyn is a character who isn't typically bound by particular social systems or orders. he wouldn't fall into a category like "lawful" or "chaotic", but he does generally have a set of morals he lives by, that sometimes may require unsavoury actions. Heilyn didn't necessarily believe in the system, but he felt that if he were the hand that decided how that system maintains a sense of order, he could potentially steer it in less harmful directions. This is the calculation he made when he recognised the item that Tannhauser Industries was trading to the Northern Continental Alliance. Although the artefact ultimately did end up at its destination, he killed the people who could know how to weaponize it, setting back whatever potential plans they had for it by at least a few months to a year.
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Nievetude, 2421
Year of Birth
2421 C.E. 47 Years old
Erikmaar, Herdenese Republic
male, ambiguous
Shoulder-length, silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
somewhat pale, bluish undertones
147 lb
Known Languages
Eldureian(language:e2a520b6-edac-41f0-872f-80add0c5d30b), @[High Herdenic

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