The Kingdom of Eldureia Organization in The Continent of Boesia | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Eldureia

The Kingdom of Eldureia was the predecessor state to the Emberleaf Republic. At the time of its collapse in the late 21st century, Eldureia was one of the oldest nations on the planet.


The Eldureian Kingdom comprised the regions that are now the Emberleaf Republic (Eldureia, Neufindin, the Rheiburton Peninsula, the isles of Srauhe, Schoptendorf, Harbia, and Lotedle). Additionally, the Eldureians took the Ornfathan Isles (which were previously occupied by the Albesian Dominion) in 1899, which they maintained control of until the kingdom's collapse.


The kingdom built its position on the world stage primarily through a complex weave of diplomacy, commerce, and marriages of state, but that did not mean they had no use for an armed force. Eldureia did not maintain a standing army, though they did persistently outfit and operate a standing naval force. Arguably, the Eldureian Royal Navy was the single most formidable maritime force in the world for centuries. It was this navy which secured the waterways and largely helped facilitate the relatively early globalisation of the economy.    The Eldureians were also among the first to create an air force.

Technological Level

Through its long lifespan, the technological level of the Eldureian Kingdom went from the equivalent of a medieval European feudal state to an industrial nation and even achieved advancements in nuclear fission and computation. At the end of its time, the kingdom was roughly the technological equivalent of the United States in the 2020s.

Foreign Relations

The Eldureian Kingdom was a significantly wealthy and influential nation due to its control of the Wedlenberg Strait, which is one of only two ways to enter the Ornfathan Sea. Essentially, being the arbiters of trade for almost half of the world made them valuable allies or dangerous enemies. By the time the kingdom collapsed in the late 21st century, Eldureia had developed a carefully-constructed network of alliances maintained through treaties, marriages, and importantly, naval superiority.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute

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