Thirdborn - Secondkin Species in The Connected | World Anvil
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Thirdborn - Secondkin

Very similar to the Secondborn except humanoid in shape. They have the visage, tail, wings, scales and claws of the Secondborn and are one of the larger humanoid races of the sentient races. They are a much hardier bunch than the Firstborn generally. Still there was no racial tension between the early ‘other born.’ They were even first mistaken as Greatborn young, however over the years the only similarity between the Secondborn and Thirdborn are their physical traits. All Thirdborn are capable of flight like the Secondborn.   Pureblood
  • +1 Constitution +1 Strength
  • Presence of Will: Secondkin possess many intimidating features that are not typically seen in humanoid races. Their visage can be so awe inspiring or fear inducing that they may use their appearance to change the tide of moments in a battlefield. A second kin may either as a bonus action or reaction inspire an ally by adding their strength or charisma modifier to their ally’s next roll or with a DC of (8 + proficiency modifier + strength modifier) against an enemy. If the enemy fails the DC check then their next roll will suffer a negative modifier equal to the Secondkin’s strength or charisma modifier. This ability may be used (proficiency modifier) times before needing a short rest to regain half of their uses or a long rest to regain all uses.
  • Practiced Flight: Secondkin unlike Greatborn immediately have the use of their wings. A Secondkin may use their wings to travel the same distance as their running speed. They may not however be in constant flight for more than their proficiency modifier in turns before needing an equal amount of turns in rest.
  • +1 Strength
  • A Weapon of It's Own: A halfblood typically lacks or has vestigial wings, however it seems their tails become more powerful and dexterous without the strain of the body adjusting to using wings. A halfblood Secondkin may use their tail as a weapon (Constitution Modifier/2 rounded down)d10 + Strength Modifier though such heavy thrashing will leave it sore. The halfblood can use this ability (Proficiency Modifier) times until needing a long rest for half the expended uses or a long rest for all.
  • Helpful Appendage: The halfblood may use their tail to aid in any strength based checks, which will double their strength modifier for said tests, or add their proficiency modifier on top of other modifiers. If the tail is bound or otherwise rendered unusable this doubling of their strength modifier does not occur.

Unfortunate Imitations

Thirdborn - 50 RT
Geographic Distribution

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