Abnormality Dossiers - L. Corp Fragments - O-02-56 - "Punishing Bird" in The City | World Anvil
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Abnormality Dossiers - L. Corp Fragments - O-02-56 - "Punishing Bird" (ˈpʌnɪʃɪŋ bɜːd)

E-Boxes- 12
Attack Type- (Red 2-4)
*This Abnormality is Capable of Breach*
*This Abnormality can Benifit the Facility*
Good Mood Range- 12-9
Norm Mood Range- 8-5
Bad Mood Range- 4-0
Qliphoth Counter- (4)

Punishing Bird responds to the four work types in order of best to worst: Insight, Attachment, Instinct and Repression.

  Like all Abnormalities, its energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) filled at the end of the interaction.

  Punishing Bird's emotional state is divided into 3 sections: Bad, Normal, and Good. Filling 0-4 PE Boxes will cause it to feel Distressed, completing 5-8 will cause it to feel Normal, and 9-12 will result in it being Happy. Its usual cooldown timer after a task is around 15 seconds.

Punishing Bird's ability will trigger when its Qliphoth Counter reaches 0. Its Qliphoth Counter can fluctuate in the following ways:

  Decrease by 1 with 20% chance when an Agent starts working on another Abnormality in the facility (Including Tools), unless Punishing Bird is being worked on concurrently.

  Decrease by 1 when an Agent in the facility panics.

While breaching, it will target a random agent and beeline straight for them, prioritizing panicked agents. It possesses fast Movement Speed and a low amount of HP at 200. Its attacks deal only a small amount of Red Damage (0-1) for 3 seconds. If there are nearby agents in the area, it will move from agent to agent. Punishing Bird will stop and re-contain itself once it has dealt (8-13) RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage. If it's attacking a panicked employee, its attacks will heal the Agent (3-5) SP.

  Agents and Clerks will not automatically suppress the Abnormality once they are in the same room but Fear Damage will still be applied.

  Breach(Counter Attack):
If Punishing Bird is hit by an Agent in any way (including reflected damage by the E.G.O. Weapon from Dream of a Black Swan), the Abnormality changes form, becoming red, having its HP increased from 200 to 1000, and replacing its normal "pecking" attack to a devastating "bite" attack that deals heavy amounts of Red Damage (800-1200).

  Punishing bird will now target the agent that damaged it and go straight for them. It won't switch targets and having the targeted agent work on an Abnormality won't stop Punishing Bird either. This can end in two ways: either the target avoids Punishing Bird for about a minute, in which case Punishing Bird will give up; or the bite attack lands on the target, after which Punishing Bird will calm down. In both cases it will return to containment voluntarily. Once it arrives in its containment cell Punishing Bird will return to its normal form. (It cannot be suppressed while on its return trip)
"Don't, we tried"- Agent <name>
"Don't shoot the bird, DO NOT SHOOT THE BIRD GODDAMMIT"- Panicked Clerk beta91

Punishing Bird was a bird who lived its whole life in the Black Forest with Big Bird and Judgement Bird. The three birds decided to protect the forest from a prophecy which said that the forest would never be the same after terrible events that would culminate in a monster devouring everything. Punishing Bird decided to punish bad creatures with its beak, but someone said 'Your beak is so small. No one will find your punishment painful'. Punishing Bird, worried, grew a mouth so it could devour any creature in a single bite. As time passed, the efforts of the birds brought bad rumors upon the forest. One day, when the forest was about to fall into total disorder, the birds decide to merge their strengths together to form a new bird. The resulting creature created chaos, and they were left alone in the forest.

  After the events, Punishing Bird left the forest never to return. It is unknown where Punishing Bird was found or how it arrived at the facility.

  Managerial Tips 1
"When an employee entered the Containment Unit of another Abnormality, Punishing Bird’s Qliphoth Counter lowered with a normal probability."

  Managerial Tips 2
"When <name> fell into a panic, Punishing Bird’s Qliphoth Counter lowered."

  Managerial Tips 3
"Punishing Bird voluntarily returned to its containment after a panicking employee returned to normal; it also returned after a period of time had passed."

  Managerial Tips 4
"<name> was ordered to suppress Punishing Bird. When they tried to attack it, the central portion of the Abnormality split and <Redacted>. Afterward, <name> was confirmed to have died. The suppression ended in failure."

  Escape Details:
Information if the Abnormality can escape or not, plus its Qliphoth Counter (4). This includes its defenses when breaching:

  Red: Vulnerable (2.0)
White: Vulnerable (2.0)
Black: Vulnerable (2.0)
Pale: Vulnerable (2.0)

  Instinct LV-1 "40%" LV-2 "40%" LV-3 "40%" LV-4 "45%" LV-5 "45%"

  Insight LV-1 "60%: LV-2 "60%" LV-3 "60%" LV-4 "60%" LV-5 "60%"

  Attachment LV-1 "55%" LV-2 "55%" LV-3 "50%" LV-4 "50%" LV-5 "50%"

  Repression LV-1 "30%" LV-2 "20%" LV-3 "10%" LV-4 "0%" LV-5 "0%"

  Observation Level:
Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): Speed Rate +5

  Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): Success Rate +5%

  Unlocks the E.G.O. Gift 'Beak'.

  Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): Speed Rate +5

  Unlocks the E.G.O. Weapon and Suit 'Beak'.

  Level 4 (All details unlocked): Success Rate +5%

  E.G.O. Weapon 'Beak'
Grade: TETH
Cost: 30
Max Amount: 2
Damage: 2-3 Red, Blunt
Attack Speed: Gun
Range: 50 Meters
Observation Level: 3
Requirements: None
Special Information:
"As if to prove that size doesn't matter when it comes to force, the weapon has high firepower despite its small size. Unleash it on those standing in the way with no hesitation or forgiveness.

  The bullet's surface is covered with numerous spikes resembling small teeth, so it can inflict quite a bit of pain when it penetrates an enemy."

  Effect: None

  E.G.O. Suit 'Beak'
Grade: TETH
Cost: 25
Max Amount: 2
Red Defense- 0.7
White Defense- 0.8
Black Defence- 1.2
Pale Defence- 2.0
Observation Level: 3
Requirements: None
Special Information:
"It's sleek without a dent. The suit was originally very small, barely wearable by a child. As more blood stains the armor, the chestplate writhes subtly as if it were alive."

  Effect: None

  E.G.O. Gift 'Beak'
Movement Speed +2
Attack Speed +2
Drop Chance: 5%
Observation Level: 2

"A small and confident bird that punishes the evil, guilty, and all sorts of irreverent people. Some employees have said that it is cute when the bird mightily flutters its tiny wings."

  "People have been committing sins since long ago. Why do they commit sins, knowing it's wrong?" The small bird wondered. “It must be because there's no one to punish people for their misdeeds. If someone takes that role, then no foul act would happen in this world ever again!” With this in mind, the little bird left the forest it had been living in, and never went back."

  Work Observations(Abnormlity writing?): "Stop petting it it's making me anxious"- Clerk alpha 81
  The employees put a perch in Punishing Bird’s Containment Unit because it seemed to be bored."

  "Punishing Bird feels like it’s back in the forest in which it used to live when sitting on its perch."

  "A majority of the time Punishing Bird acts like any other normal bird, flying here and there in the Containment Unit."

  "Punishing Bird never cheeps or chirps. However, its stomach occasionally twitches."

  "Few employees know of Punishing Bird’s hidden teeth."

  "Not many know about Punishing Bird’s disgusting flesh, which splits apart into several sections."

Punishing Bird is the most likely Abnormality to escape, and escapes more often than any others.

  Before the second observation level is reached, Punishing Bird is called "Small Bird".

  Punishing Bird's design seems to be based off of two real birds: the Bleeding-Heart Dove and the Shima Enaga.

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