White Lynx Character in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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White Lynx


  An Armored Slave that knows no defeat. White Lynx is a one-of-a-kind design that was made in collaboration with the finest of Myriad's designers.   It has been stated throughout the many encounter records and recorded viewings, that White Lynx has never been completely defeated once in simulation, or in combat.   There are rumors that state that White Lynx once fought a platoon of Magicas alone, and later dueled Veronica Con Aoibheann unscathed.

Combat Ability

  White Lynx's combat abilities embody the very pinnacle of physical feats and prowess that currently exist known to the current development of Armsla and Magitech technology. Its actual capabilities have been listed down extensively, but many assume that many of its abilities remain unknown due to the very nature of encountering it, and surviving is a miracle all by itself.   Whenever White Lynx enters the region of combat, all bear witness to a light whiting sound that is produced from its headpiece. A small piano-like sound whistles throughout the area as a burst of white and blue light shines from its rear verniers, leaving a trail of dust behind its path.   It does not hunt down the individual that surrenders or retreats. However, if there are any signs of individuals that it deems bearing a hostile nature, White Lynx will eliminate all that does not run or attempts to arcana-ly or marshal-ly observe its capabilities.  
  • Magi-tech Cold-Steel Handaxe
  • Armored Magi-tech Buckler
  • Air Verniers
  • Warning Signals
  • Runic Insignia

  • The Ultimate Armored Slave
  • The Undefeated


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