Versailles Kingdom Organization in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Versailles Kingdom


  A former kingdom that ruled a majority of the South-west region of the Aliech Continent. It was a vibrant city well known for its luxurious dyes and pristine sparkling water that flowed from the mountain peaks to the local canyons and ravines. Harboring a massive population of the common core races, it served as a popular region for modern fashion, and imports.   However, after the Battle of Mo'ra, the South Western countries had all collapsed from the massive sieges by the Fomorians.   Even the Versailles Kingdom's Le Chevaliers were unable to contest the onslaught of the Fomorians forces. Much of their defensive troops were thinned and routed, while what little remaining forces that were left went to protect the remaining heirs of the Versailles Kingdom.   After the war had concluded, It was eventually declared a Shattered Land.  

War Of the Roses

  Despite the aftermath, the lands were disputed by various noble families who held claims to the region. Even the former heirs could not contest against them all, and were presumed missing or individually declaring claims to the throne. Friends, families, and even their allies would all go to war with one another over what little authority they could exert on the region.   These wars would later be called the War of the Roses.   Survivors and escapees from these civil battles would escape into the mountain peaks and establish other minor settlements in small pockets of habitable lands. Refuting any form of interactions with the various factions below, they united under another banner. They consider themselves The Free States of Strelitzia and are not affiliated with the Versailles Kingdom.   After collapsing from internal turmoil from noble infighting and claims, the remaining Versailles Heir made an agreement with The Aliech Kingdom known as The Accords.  

The Accords

  These Accords would make the former Versailles Kingdom a vassal province under the Aliech Kingdom. Stripped of its former ranks and titles, many of the nobilities lost their privileges and were ousted from their former positions by The Shining Path. Through very peaceful means, the remaining nobilities at war with one another would then abide by the Accords, and lay down their arms.   Minor rebellions have continuously gone in the region of late, but none has succeeded as of yet.   While The Free States of Strelitzia continues to be an independent region and refuses any form of integration with the Aliech Kingdom.   Today, the land remains at solemn peace.
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