Rubita Settlement in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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  Formerly destroyed in the Battle of Mo'ra, later to be known as Grehearth; the city of Rubita was a small city that functioned as a large trading hub. Best known for its large harvest of abundant wheat farms, structurally protective walls, and its ability to house and feed many individuals at once, it was an ideal location for a refugee camp during the war.  

Future as Grehearth

  Given its ease of accessibility through all four cardinal directions, it was extremely profitable to set up shop within these lands. Previous ownership belonged to The Aliech Kingdom, but was handed over to Tristan Grehearth and the various individuals whom he had entrusted the future of the city's development with. As development began quickly, the united front of the Aliech Family and the soon-to-be knighted Nobility would work in unison to begin the foundations of Grehearth.


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