Queen Aimil Siosal Aliech Character in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Queen Aimil Siosal Aliech


  Hailed as the present ruler of the Aliech Kingdom, Queen Aimil Siosal Aliech is known for their benevolent love of her lovely daughter Princess Ebnis Siosal Aliech and her deceased husband, King Stiùbhard MacRaonaill Aliech.   With the passing of his Magisty King Stiùbhard MacRaonaill Aliech, Queen Aimil took the throne and presently maintains control of the Aliech Kingdom. She presently does not utilize her sovereign powers to influence nor control the courts of Grehearth often. She is known for her lavish lifestyle amongst the nobility and tabloids on her journey to becoming an idolized Queen in power.   Newspapers often write her name in good jest for her lack of courtly or proper speeches as tabloids in formal affairs, but surprisingly she is well-liked by the general public for her generosity.   Her absence of control over the Aliech Kingdom has made her presence in formal affairs relatively low.   She has been known to have generously donated to various organizations in the sciences and the arts. Some examples such are 7th Arcane Experimental Division and The School for Gifted Children.   The people wonder whether or not if there will be another King, or if this will be the end of the Aliech lineage.
Ruled Locations
  • Queen of the Aliech Kingdom


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