Entertainment Ward Building / Landmark in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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Entertainment Ward

General Info

  A region of various mysterious, recent start-ups, or places just for fun! Many choose to start out their services here despite the fierce competition that they have to stand out amongst the crowd. Though, rent is relatively cheap here when in contrast to the other regions. Due to a local ruling in Grehearth to incentivize new businesses to come in, many individuals that start to make a business, typically start here.  

Madame's Marsh Mystique Circus

  Exotic creatures are brought and sold from the world to showcase in the finest circus known throughout the land. With tamed creatures and various oddities to showcase, the show only appears on occasion when they arrive in Grehearth. With a grand symbol of a triple MMM, many would know its owner. Madame Marsh was one of the first circuses to incorporate not only humanoids of different talents but creatures. With a heavy emphasis on focusing on entertainment and the mysteriousness of unusual creatures rather than the degradation of other humanoids, it has garnered a relatively large audience throughout the Aliech Kingdom.  

Adkin's Toy Store

  With whirling trinkets and toys to entertain those of any age, Adkin's is best known for their knowledgeability in Clockwork mechanization and industrialization. While the age of Steam technology has recently rendered Clockwork technology mildly obsolete, their services and functionality still play a pivotal role in today's society. From tools of war to toys for tots, has connections throughout the region and even overseas.   Presently, their best-selling item is the wind-up monkey. A creature that oddly looks quite depressed, but claps its cymbal in a marching manner with an audible feature as well.   "mmm....Monkie."    

The Curio's Watch

  A seedy-looking elderly couple that focuses on purchasing oddities and various other curios. While the place is pretty clean, it's relatively covered up with boxes of watches and other mysterious things. Not much is known about this couple, as they've only established their business within recent time. Though, they've been known to pay a pretty penny for unusual things found overseas, or relatively not native to this land.  


  With only a singular flickering orange lit lantern that illuminates the store, customers are slowly drawn towards the sounds of a hunched elderly avian humanoid behind the dirted countertop. Making the way past the grudgingly stacked assorted wealth of supplies, a subtle sound of metal on earth can be heard. It scratches the ear as it replicates the drizzling of light water near one's ears.   Delirious as he is rumored to be, the owner of the Kalopsia is the Avian Humanoid named Albert who has rumored to have seen far beyond his age. Dabbling in elements that none should attempt, he remains in his shop huddled over repetitively digging his claws in mounds of unusual dirt.   Often a helpful guide to those in need, Albert is seen assisting anyone and everyone who garners an interest. Little is known why he does such a thing with no reward in return. But those that have met him often associate him with words of praise and enlightenment.  

Raven's Roost

  A small bar that was founded by a lady named Ineda. It is well known for its liquor, unusual service, and very poor location of choice. it's quite unknown why this place has garnered such a cult following, but people do come in on occasion, though very few know how to get here in the first place.  

The Pilgrim's Rest

  Established in recent times, this place is best known for the best possible sleep one could ever have. With magnificent fluffy pillows, nice comfort food, and scented candles, it's no wonder why this tavern has garnered its name amongst travelers alike. While it's only run by three people and can only accommodate a small number of people, many book their appointments in advance just to try this place out.  


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