Dalli's Sash Item in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Dalli's Sash

Dalli Lost Tooth is by far the most famous dancer in Tigri. Her dances have been known halt the rowdiest tavern brawls as she begins to perform. She moves with elegance and grace across the stage demanding the attention of the drunken patrons. Her graceful leaps and twists leave those watching in a state of peace. Instead of following along with the music, the music follows her lead. Picking up the tempo when she begins to dance quickly and slowing the tempo when she slows to graceful twirls. The bells hanging from her sash act as metronome for the musicians as she times her stomps and movements to make the bells jingle at just the right tempo.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Activate Single Action Interact
Make a performance skill check against creatures Will DC within 20ft of you to begin dancing.
Success: Creatures are unaffected, and are immune for 24 hours
Failure: Creatures become Fascinated 1
Item type
Clothing / Accessory

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