Tipit Species in The Barrier | World Anvil
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Tipit ((Tih-pit))

Basic Information


Tipits are very similar to cats and dogs, and are often regarded as the cats and dogs of the spirit realm. While they have the body of a canine, with a fox's tail, they have the facial structure of a cat--including whiskers. They are most often confused for huskies, which they share a similar look to due to their coloring and somewhat thick fur, however they are vastly smaller, growing to a size more akin to an adult cat.

Ecology and Habitats

Tipits call the spirit world home, essentially being guiding spirits of the afterlife. While they are still just animals in nature, they seem to play the role of both a guiding hand for those who are new to the spirit realm, and a judge for them as well due to their ability to view the very being of a person. Generally they are quick to try and find someone to form a connection with, and serve as a loyal companion throughout the spirit world, thus they tend to be more prevalent around points of entry within the afterlife. That being said, they are also commonly found nearby their "owners” should they have already bonded with someone they deem worthy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The aetherial, ambient energy of the spirit world appears to be the life force tipits use to survive, and while they can eat whatever they like, they don't appear to require it in order to survive despite how much they might try to play up the opposite by begging to their owners. Sometimes it's said that these creatures are actually an extension of the very realm itself, serving as avatars for the loving embrace of the afterlife for those who were good and wholesome during their lives in the mortal world. For as long as the realm is alive, so are the tipits who live within.


Tipits are incredibly social creatures that love attention and playing around with those who they have chosen to spend time with. They can bark like a dog, and meow like a cat. They can purr when loved on, or growl when upset. They are the core aspects of what one might expect from a standard house pet rolled into one--a tipit.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces tend to look more feline than they do canine, with whiskers protruding from their snouts. They also have a narrow cat-like eye structure. That being said, their actual eyes are nothing like any other animals. They appear to be almost a space in their own regard, with bright lights that look like stars deep within them. These are what they use to view into the soul of an entity in question.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Generally tipits can be found anywhere where there is civilization within the spirit realm, and are seldom found in the wilds on their own. They like to wander about within areas known for being entryways into the spirit world, where they have the best chance to meet someone new and fresh to the spirit realm. This isn't true all the time, since some tipits serve special purposes, but most wild ones act in this manner, creating hot zones for tipit activity.

Average Intelligence

While they can be incredibly intelligent, they are still creatures that follow instinct. While they have the ability to perceive a human's soul, and know when to run away from certain flaws a person may have, they don't truly understand what those concepts exactly mean--relying on their instinct to dictate their reactions to what they see and do. This is, of course, assuming these creatures aren't a direct extension of the realm itself, which has shown time and time again to be completely intelligent and sapient. It's thought that maybe tipits aren't directly connected, and are servants to the realm instead.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Withstanding the five senses, it has the capability to view a person's very soul. This person has to be within range of the tipit and it also has to be able to see the person, but once in view it can view the very aspects of a person's being. It is said that it does this as a form of judgment, before bonding with any one person.
Average Height
11 inches
Average Length
13 inches
Average Physique
Tipits tend to be extremely energetic much like cats and dogs, and can do many things like climb up trees with their claws, dart around instantaneously, and even jump abnormally high--even for cats. While they do sleep, they don't seem to really need it in order to maintain this energy and physique that they utilize during daily physical activities.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
While tipits can come in many different patterns, the color and tint always seem to be somewhere in the realm of blacks and whites. The amount of either color doesn't matter–they can even be completely black or white–but rarely are extra colors seen unless the tipit is extremely special with some kind of extraordinary job or role to play within the spirit realm; a job that is also accompanied with a clothes to fit the position, though it's not uncommon for most tipits to be dressed in some way by their owner.

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