Origore Species in The Barrier | World Anvil
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Origore ((Or-rih-gor))

Basic Information


Origores are a mass of the meteoric sludge, from which they spawn, that tends to cover the environment. While they are mostly composed of this mass, they do form strange, red, fleshy growths at the bottom of their mouths which sag down the rest of their orb shaped body. This is all their body is composed of, making them rather simple creatures.

Genetics and Reproduction

These moldy creatures asexually reproduce with the material gathered by the growing alien mass. In fact, they are less created through procreation, and more grown like plants. They have no gestation period, since their creation is rather instantaneous once a massive growth of the alien material is established.

Growth Rate & Stages

The size and scale of these creatures is determined by the amount of biological matter obtained by the sludge in the area of creation. The larger the amount, the larger the origore, which is in turn created to spread the growth further. It takes mere moments for an origore to sprout from the moss into a completely grown adult origore.

Ecology and Habitats

While these creatures thrive in lush, humid environments, they don't really mind any other habitat that the meteoric sludge can maintain. If the moss can cover it and remain alive in the process, then origores can form and survive in the current environment as well. This allows for the guaranteed survival of the origores where the moss is located.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The one thing required for both origores to be created and survive, much like the sludge, is organic material. If an origore lands on a desolate planet, it will die due to starving itself out. Despite what one might believe, these creatures can not rely on photosynthesis to survive and must consume other fauna and flora.


Origores are interesting creatures since they don't appear to actively communicate, hunt, or even attempt to ensure their survival. In fact their main method of attack is hurling themselves a prey and exploding to spread their sludge everywhere. In fact, they tend to do that anyway in order to spread the meteoric sludge if the current coverage area is not big enough--raining down from the heavens just to splatter all over the surrounding environment. It is thought that origores serve as a living defense for the moss.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

There are hardly any characteristics on an origore aside from what appears to be a large gaping maw. At times it is rumored that eyes, teeth, and even tongues can form from these maws, but it is very rarely seen if this is the case.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

This cosmic sludge makes a habit of infecting planets and slowly coating large sections of them in this all consuming alien moss, making origores a very well distributed species of creature. If a planet is infected with the moss, then it is likely that origores are prevalent in most parts, or at the very least in large chunks, of the world.

Average Intelligence

It is often questioned if these creatures are really alive or simply living weapons for the moss, mostly due to the lack of intelligence. It is understood that these creatures do not have the capacity to think, rather their bodies will react instinctually to any signal from something that may be nearby.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These creatures have no perceptive organs outside of being able to detect the vibrations of sounds both through the air and through the material they are in contact with. Otherwise, origores are completely blind to most senses.
1-7 days
Average Height
Average Length
Average Physique
These creatures are not entirely that strong and are rather easy to kill. The issue is that when they die, they explode, spreading the predatory sludge everywhere to ensure the spread of the moss. If they were killed in a location already covered in moss, then the sludge will just be used to create another origore. This makes burning them alive, or freezing them, the only method of killing them for good. They are also notoriously noxious due to the smell, which easily makes entities around them sick.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Due to being products of the meteoric sludge, these creatures are a vibrant green, much like the moss itself. What makes them stand out against the moss is the fleshy growth on the origores which sag off the bottom of their jaws. This section appears more red or pink.

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