Borgor Species in The Barrier | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The anatomy of a borgor is what one might assume: bread, cheese, beef, pickles, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard, mayo, and onions. Interestingly enough, there appears to be a bit of fried breading that serves as the legs and quills that hang off the top bun of this creature. Despite the nature of the ingredients, they do not function as they normally would. The ketchup forms a bit of a drippy accessory for the bun while the tomatoes are socketed into the top bun to form eyes. The cheese forms teeth for the borgor, while the beef patty acts much like its tongue alongside the onions. The buns of course are the main body of this entity.

Biological Traits

Biological traits mostly accommodate for the type of burger the borgor was before it was tossed out. This will cause it to be different in a few ways, such as ingredients and capabilities. Despite the differences, they are seldom dangerous enough to harm others or cause much infrastructure damage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Being spirits of wasted food, the borgor has a very quick growth rate between being a tossed out burger that was never eaten, and a flying monster terrorizing the block. Typically it only takes a day for a burger to grow into a borgor and become active. Afterwards they are a fully fledged borgor and will grow no further until defeated.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to the nature of the borgor, it will only appear around markets and businesses that sell food. This doesn't rule out general stores that happen to have food products, and sometimes can even involve locations that don't sell food at all like cookouts and barbecues. Where there is food to draw in a borgor, especially if the location was the one that tossed out the burger in the first place, there will be a borgor.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite how they can attack pedestrians and businesses, they have no real interest in doing anything other than making a mess of the location and consuming the food they are selling. In a way the borgor is cannibalistic, eating the burgers it once was and multitudes of other foods until it either dies off itself or is defeated. Since it has such a short lifespan, the borgor will prioritize food above all else, and consume as much of it as possible before its expiration date.


Borgors aren't entirely hostile like most people claim them to be, since they are incredibly docile when no food is present. They don't even really pay attention to humans unless provoked. They only attack when someone has a piece of food on them, which tends to get them eaten in the process. Luckily they don't really kill or digest anything they devour, leaving the victim within a prison made out of burger ingredients until a few days past when the borgor naturally expires.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

There was a time where borgors were used by a company as a way to sell large burgers for the price of a small burger, since they grew on their own. The issue was that marketing a living burger that could eat a few people whole, is hard to control and kill, and could wreck a house was an impossible sell for something that was already a hard sell due to having to "toss out" the burger in the first place in order to make a borgor. There was no telling where the burger had been, or what it had eaten, making it very hard to sell as something edible. Eventually this business filed for bankruptcy, and the practice has since not been attempted again.

Facial characteristics

It is hard to parse the difference between the face and the rest of the borgor due to it looking the same from most angles. Only the tomato eyes, which are whole tomatoes strangely enough, give away where it is facing, and the overall curve of the ingredients that form a sort of pseudo-mouth for it to consume with. Otherwise it looks more or less like a strange floating burger.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Borgors are a problem across the entire world. Where there is food to be tossed out, especially burgers, then there is usually a borgor that will crop up every now and then. The only thing that prevents a borgor from being created is establishments that do not sell them, however this does not make them immune to a borgor attack.

Average Intelligence

These creatures do not display any qualities that would appear intelligent in any regard, and seem to only care about food that they detect around them. Otherwise they tend to mostly absent-mindedly float around looking for something to consume. They do this until someone either kills or eats the borgor, or the borgor expires on its own.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Borgors tend to mostly rely on eyesight, sound, and, weirdly enough, smell. There doesn't appear to be any kind of sensory organ on it that would allow it to be able to smell, so it may be a more inherent trait due to the aroma it already produces itself. It is especially good at hunting down foods, making it a terror for businesses and market places.
1-3 days
Average Height
15 ft
Average Length
15 ft
Average Physique
Despite the goofy appearance of the borgor, they are incredibly heavy. They actually do pose quite a threat to stores and markets due to their capability to tear through infrastructure, even if they don't necessarily mean any real harm to the people within. While there has yet to be a death by a borgor recorded, there have been injuries in the past because of them.

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