The atlamb expanse Formation of the Lower Kingdom
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Formation of the Lower Kingdom


ca. 335 FD to 350 FD

With no proclamation or major change occurring to mark a clear start date of the Lower Kingdom, we only know that the Sunarian Federation gradually shifted from a organization of in theory equal city states, to one dominated by Sunas and its monarchy of warrior kings.

Ruled by the kings of Sunas, the Lower Kingdom maintained a system of governance very similar to that of its cultural predecessor the Phernaci Empire.   Most cities under Sunas' hegemony retained significant autonomy, and paid tribute to the king in Sunas as their protector, and overlord. So great was the independence of these client cities, that several vassal rulers even continued to refer to themselves as "kings", albeit in a lesser style than their liege in Sunas.   Despite lasting several centuries, little is known about this period, as anything akin to a primary source appears to have been destroyed in later times of unrest.