The atlamb expanse Start of the Camethop Dynastic Period in Sunar
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Start of the Camethop Dynastic Period in Sunar

Political event

ca. 870 FD to 900 FD

Rising to power after a heated disagreement with his liege, Caneth I, usurped the mantle of emperor sometime around 870 FD, and ushered in a renewed age of warfare and violence in the empire.

Desiring a glorious restoration with Upper Sunar, Caneth dreamed of uniting the Children of the Sun once more, returning the empire once more to the greatness and vastness that it had seen under the united Kingdom of both Sunars.   This blatant call for war against the still autonomous cities of Upper Sunar, was supported by many within the empire's government, who after decades of prosperity, saw only glory in such an invasion. There was little risk involved after all. The cities of the south had for the past hundred years lacked the prosperity and security of the north; and as a result, infighting and turmoil had left once great cities such as Phernac and Wajerna weak, and easy targets for warmongers like Caneth.   The Canethop Dynasty as a whole, would differ from its Akenit predecessors, and maintain a far more militaristic series of policies. First moving, as Caneth I had desired, on the lands of the Upper Sun, the imperial armies took over without much of a fight, and Upper Sunar was brought entirely into the empire by about 877 FD.   Like minded, follow up campaigns would be carried out for the remainder of Caneth I's reign, with him leading several expeditions to the west and east, subduing city after city, until in 883 FD he would perish on a march back to Sunas.   Having completed his objective of uniting Sunar once more, Caneth remains a heavily controversial figure to this day. Credited by some as war hero, who championed Sunarian identity and cemented its borders, he is also viewed as a tyrant. One who used military might to overthrow the well liked Akenit dynasty, and squandered the wealth and armies of Sunar on unnecessary conquests. Regardless of one's views of him though, it would be the rule of Caneth's son, and grandson (Caneth II, and III), that tarnished the name Canethop forever, and brought what could have been a century spanning legacy, to its end.   Continuing the string military conquests of Caneth I, both emperors lacked his vision for a united Sunarian people, as this dream had already been completed. Instead, both focused their sights on foreign lands, on the periphery of the empire, where little to no Sunarians resided. These extravagant campaigns, would overstretch the shrinking resources of the empire, and gradually bring about the end of a golden age in Lower Sunar, destroying either ruler's reputation, and leading them on a path towards their dynasties collapse.