Religous Notepad for the Atlamb Expanse in The Atlamb Expanse | World Anvil
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Religous Notepad for the Atlamb Expanse

  • Always offer something, that will protect against something beyond the control of people
  • Always offer something, that will protect against something beyond the control of people

  • * The Creed of Valor * Basis: Panentheism and Dystheism: The Creed of Valor believes that the physical universe exists alongside and above the gods and goddesses of the worlds faiths. While they various deities are seen as good or bad, the universe itself is perceived, as truly neutral. * Followers: Men of Valor, Practitioners of Valor, War Priests * Location and Reason for Worship: Common among the soldiers and legionnaires of the Valoni Empire
    * The Cult of the Yellow Sign * Basis: Henotheism and Dystheism: The Yellow Cult recognizes other deities, but views them as lesser beings under the King in Yellow; believing him to be the the strongest, and thus the only one worthy of being worshiped. The Cult further believes, that the King in Yellow is neither good nor evil, but is instead, impossible to understand, its motives and intentions forever a mystery to mankind. * Followers: Yellow Cultists, Death Cultists, Priests of the Yellow Shroud * Location and Reason for Worship: Based in the western reaches of the Valoni Empire, in and around Taborga, and Lapadocia. As well as among some underground sects hidden away around Belezine Bay, left over from the Black Empire. Followed by a variety of people, but targeting primarily, the oppressed wishing revenge, the weak wishing for power, and the mad, wanting only to serve the unknowable King in Yellow. * Basic Beliefs: Belief in many deities (other religions), underneath that of a single more powerful, and unknowable being, worthy of worship. It is the goal of the cult to garner the being's attention, and awaken it, for a multitude of divisive reasons. In either case, the methods to achieve this, are universally accepted as brutality, cruelty, and horror, forever upping the spectacle, in hopes of eventually attracting the ever drifting gaze of the King in Yellow, back unto mankind. * Subcategories * Main Cult: The main part of the cult, worships the King in Yellow, and wishes to awaken it, in hope of earthly reward, and for fear of its wrath should it not be placated. * Taborgan Practitioners: A separate cult, based out of Taborga, which also hopes to reawaken the King in Yellow, to try and better understand it in the pursuit of knowledge. Again, believes they will be granted a reward for reawakening it, in the form of understanding, the unknowable. * “for I knew that the King in Yellow had opened his tattered mantle and there was only God to cry to now.”
    * The Faith of Fire * Terminology for Followers: Children of Fire, Fire Priests * Basis: Monotheism and Eutheism: The Children of Fire believe, that only a single deity, Alnaar, exists, with all others being false gods. Whether these "false gods" are simply lies, or aspects of Alnaar vary from deity to deity. In any case, Alnaar is described as a benevolent deity, creating mankind out of fire, and instilling in them an ever burning flame, their soul. Responsible for shining the fiery warmth of the sun upon the earth, Alnaar is seen as a dutiful protector of mankind, overseeing his creation like a father. * Location and Scope: The Faith of Fire originated along the eastern coast of the vast Hasarine desert, among both the urban and desert peoples of the Hasari. Though, he is also worshiped in several Mershemeti cities, Cutai, and much of Urbon. The Faith of Fire is also considered to be one of the Six Merchant Cults, due to the widespread nature of its followers, who journey the seas as merchants and sailors. As a result, Temples to Alnaar are present in most major port cities. * Reason for Worship: The Children of Fire worship Alnaar because they view him as their creator, and feel like they owe him for their existence. Offering a protective security, Alnaar resembles a kind fatherly figure, who asks only meager sacrifices of meat and fish for good fortune. It is the duty of the Fire Priests, to perform these sacrifices, at the behest and expense of followers. * Symbols and Related Aspects: * Day and Night: Alnaar, bares strong affiliation with the sun and moon, but is not either of the two himself as many similar fire and sun religions practice. Both bodies are in fact viewed by the Children of Fire as his home; with the sun, being it during the day when the fires are lit, and the moon during the day when Alnaar has extinguished the flames and gone to rest. Because of this belief, many among the Children abstain from lighting fires during the night, living in darkness, so as to not wake the slumber of their god.
    * The Church of the Damned * Terminology: Followers of Doom, Doom Priests * Basis: Dualism and Misotheism: The Church of the Damned believes in an eternal rivalry, between two deities. These deities represent good and evil, though neither truly has mankind's best interests at heart. Despite being eternal, the battle was settled long ago, as the Great Malevolent deity dominated the Benevolent and forever after held him and mankind under his thumb. This spectacular defeat, would be credited as the cause for the flood of Nebtka, and the apocalypse it wrought. Onward, every attempt of the Benevolent to rise up, and throw off the hegemony of the Great Malevolent would reap lesser, but still cataclysmic results, in the form of floods, plagues, fires and war. For this reason, followers of the Church offer unto the Great Malevolent blood sacrifices, to satiate his thirst for cruelty, and to bolster him against the Benevolent, and to prevent yet another apocalypse. * Followers: Followers of the Doom, Doom Priests * Location and Scope: The Church of the Damned is based on the Island of Mulapur, but is also practiced throughout the Shallow Sea, in port cities and areas heavily affected in the past by the Flooding of Nebtka. Further populations of believers dwell in Sunar, and Tantum Valona, but not in any serious number and they are relatively insignificant cults. * Fearful of another cataclysm, that will end the world for good, they pay sacrifice to the evil god to satiate him, and pray the good god will never again try to topple the evil god. * Reason for Worship: The Followers of Doom, worship the Great Malevolent out of a fear for the catalysm that his deafeat would be * Basic Beliefs: The Church believes that a battle between two deities of evil and good first created the world. Ultimately losing The continuation of the word, is maintained only by sacrifices to the evil deity.
    * Sons of Asher * Basis: Kathenotheism: The Sons of Asher, believe in Asher the two faced god. While singular, and perceived as the only true deity, he is often treated as two separate persons; one wrathful and wicked, to demand tribute and the other kind and protective, to reward his worshipers. * Followers: The Asherites, Asherite Clerics * Location and Reason for Worship: Centered around the Gomactan Empire, Urbon, and parts of Pershani, and Naurochia. * Basic Beliefs: Worship of the two faced God, Asher. One face, caring and protective of his sons, the other wrathful and demanding of them for respect and tribute. This tribute must be paid to the wrathful aspect, to appease it, and avoid its wrath. He's been worshiped in Nebtka for so long, the traces of his origins are lost to history. It is believed that the Valoni flooding of Nebtka was allowed, because tribute was not paid to Asher.
    * The Cult of Cusireen * Basis: Dualism: the belief that two fundamental concepts, or deities exist, which often oppose each other. Eutheism: the belief that a deity is wholly benevolent, while other is wholly malicious. * Followers: The Cusireens, Cusireen Priests, Cusireen Inquisitors * Location and Reason for Worship: Widespread in Esteleon, and eastern Betel, where it arose to combat the Cult of the Yellow Sign. Was for a sizable span of time, the state religion of Sunar as well. Made up of, those opposed to the Cult of the Yellow Sign, fearful of the Great Evil "The King in Yellow" that the cultists want to awaken. The Cusireen promise order, reason and stability to those who wish it. * Basic Beliefs: The Faith responsible for Driving the Yellow Cult out of Sunar.
    * The Tanayan Church * Followers: The Tanayans, Tanayan Monks
    * The Marian Faith * Basis: Marianites, Marian Priests * Location and Reason for Worship: Located across much of the Southern and Northern Atlamb Expanse, and centered around the holy city of Navido. Promises an eternal, joy filled after life to its followers, under the condition they abstain from the corruptions of the mortal world, and live a pure life. Provides worshipers with a moral foundation by which to live their lives. * Subcategories * The Unsanctioned Marian Faith (Active): * The Cult of Marian (Dead): * "Radical off shoot of the cult" (Active):
    * The Dog God of Khanir * Followers: Dog men, Dog lords, Gorumites
    * Worship of the Three Headed God of Kamet * Followers: Kameti, God Emperor of Kamet, Disciples of the Rhinoceros, Elephant, and Hippopotamus
    * Worship of the Great Bull * Followers: Bouranti, Horned Priests, The Bull Kings of Bourant
    * The Muraviskr Pantheon * Followers: Muraviskr, Strosilai
    * The Worship of the Stormcrow * Followers: Followers of Stone and Storm * Subcategories * Stonecrows (Dead): * Stormcrows (Active): * Cult of the Yellow Crow (Active):
    * The Zunite Faith * Followers: Children of the Zun (Sun), Zunites, Zunite, Servants of the Emperor

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