The astral codex The Astral Knights Timeline
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The Astral Knights

The Astral Knights began as a small group of defiant warriors protecting a town in The Plane of Fields. From there, they rose in power, pioneered incredible magical techniques, and worked with the rebellion to defeat Boreas. This document tells the story of these mythical figures.

Boreal Kingdom

3000 3452

The reign of the icy tyrant Boreas.

  • 3270 (BK)


    The founding of the Klarian Guard

    The city of Klaria created a group of guards to protect their people from outside threats, both wild and organized. In a time of ruthless oppression, the defiant mission of these warriors was unheard of, and highly profitable. The guard's influence spread, and with the growth in reputation came the growth in membership.

  • 3300 (BK)


    The Klarian Guard confronts The Occupiers
    Military action

    The Klarian Guard's anti-Boreas standpoint was well known by this point, but they had yet to actively take a stand against Boreas. This changed in 3300 BK, when Boreas's occupiers were stationed in Runson, a major city in The Plain of Fields, close to a large outpost of the Klarian Guards. In response, the captain of that outpost, Levya Brungston dispatched a preliminary team of 20 guards to the city. the 100 or so occupiers sustained some losses, but defeated the squad. Levya, working in combination with another nearby outpost mustered a force of nearly 200 guards, which drove the occupiers out of the city. This forced Boreas to take notice of the Guard, and established them as an enemy of the Emperor.

  • 3348 (BK)

    12 /2

    The founding of the astral rebellion
    Gathering / Conference

    On this day, in the 348th year of the Boreal Kingdom, the first meeting of the rebellion was held. The Astral Guild, with intentions to usurp the throne of Boreas, sought the aid of the Klarian Guard in the war efforts. The Guild provided the guard with a newly developed form of astral magic; astral smithing*. With these newfound advancements in military capabilities, The Klarian Guard allied itself with The Astral Guild in formation of the rebellion. A new purpose and new power required a new name, and the Klarian Guard shed its old title to become The Astral Knights.

  • Taken from the archives of The Astral Guild
  • Over the coming months, the rebellion would gain traction and opposition, as an increasingly challenged Boreas sought to quell the rising forces against him. The Astral Knights made up the majority of the rebellion's military force, and would be essential in the eventual defeat of Boreas and destruction of any remnants of multiversal government.   * Astral smithing involved forging runes into weapons and armor during their creation. Each rune could be activated with a command word, and would have a unique magical effect. Each rune drew power from a specific constellation, with the ensuing effects being based on the personality and characteristics of that constellation. Any given constellation could have multiple runes that draw energy from it, each with different effects, and how powerful these effects were depended on the emotional connection between the caster and the power source.

  • 3352 (BK)

    22 /2
    3352 (BK)

    57 /3

    The Invasion of The Plane of Mountains

    After fighting for several years throughout The Planes of Fields and Trees, gaining the support of several factions and winning a few major battles against Boreas, the rebellion finally entered the capital plane of the Boreal government; The Plane of Mountains. The point where they entered the plane was almost 20 miles away from the Frozen City, Boreas's center of power. They began their siege on the 22nd day of Highsol*, the section in which Boreas was at his weakest, and emerged victorious on the 57th day of lastleaf.   After the victory there was uncertainty as to the implementation of a new government. A council of important figures from across the planes was called in The Plane of the Fields, and after much debate, they decided that the planes were too diverse for any singular government. Instead, they allowed each plane to choose whether or not to establish a government, and if so how to structure it around their unique culture. The Plame of Mountains on which this historic siege took place was forever changed after the fall of Boreas. The relatively small plane was left scarred and broken from the ferocity of the battle that took place there, and became The Plane of Death. The creation of a new, larger Plane of Mountains was begun by Boreas, and the Astral Guild saw to its completion. They offered relocation to any refugees from The Plane of Death to their new world.   *The calendar is split into 4 sections (seasons) newbloom, highsol, lastleaf, and greywind.

  • The Universal Era

    3353 4802

    The era after Boreas's defeat was named "the Universal Era", as each Plane's government and power was prevented from expanding beyond their universe. In theory, each plane's power was limited to a universal level.

    • 4002 (UE)

      44 /3

      The End of The Astral Knights

      "On this 44th day of lastleaf, in the 650th year of the Universal Era*, the last remaining Astral Knights out of a desire to protect our individual interests as well as the interests of the planes, have agreed to the disbandment of our organization. No longer do we possess the numerical capability to fulfill our mission (that being to safeguard peace and justice) across the entirety of the appropriate territory (that being the enlightened planes). We are but men, shouldering the burden of gods, and we can no longer in good conscience offer the promise of our services to those who are beyond our reach. Therefore, we have sealed our capitals [bases], as to prevent any unforeseen abuse of the great power bestowed upon the members of our group, and are by this document renouncing our duties as the guardians of these wondrous planes."

    • the official statement drafted by the at the time 10 remaining members of the Astral Knights.
    •   *The era after that of Boreas's defeat was named "the Universal Era", as each Plane's government was prevented from expanding beyond their universe. In theory, each plane's power was limited to a universal level.