Treespeak Language in The Arengold Forest | World Anvil
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Excerpt from

The Journal of Jörregson Devilhammer, Dwarven Linguist

Pre-Elven Languages: Treespeak
The Elves didn't know much about talking to one another before Ïorreg introduced racial languages. We think that before that point, the Elves needed to use the noises around them to their advantage. The only noises at that time were twofold; the sound of the Arengold Tree bending in the wind, and the insects around them.
This unnamed communication method involved using the sounds of the tree – and the entities within it – to their advantage. For instance, an Elf that was fearful would replicate the sound of a Cicada. This would alert other Elves nearby, as Cicadas rarely make their noises in small groups. An Elf that wishes to be left alone might make the noise of a tree branch breaking, as they often do near the Midtrunk of the Arengold Tree.
Of course, as Filli introduced new animals to the Arengold Tree, the Elves were able to replicate new noises. The mating ritual of various small birds, such as Blue Bellied Jays or Crows, would be used to express interest and love between two Elves. The Crowler's growl was aggressive and conflicting, while the growl of a Dire Wolf defending it's nest would represent concern and anger.
They would not, however, replicate body language. This is where Treespeak's largest issues came into play. Since they would not use the movements of the Blue Bellied Jays, it became more and more difficult to tell the difference between one noise and another. In addition, as Elven culture evolved, they required more advanced language tactics to communicate effectively.
Ïorreg introduced basic language to the Elves, which was quickly adapted out of Treespeak to a primitive version of Elvish. We see some elements of Treespeak still remain in Elvish today; for instance, the word for "Love" requires a trill that is reminiscent of the Blue Bellied Jay.
Sadly, Treespeak is considered a relic of the past, and a showmanship of the community's reliance on Filli and Ïorreg to develop language. Other, non-Elvish communities were able to develop their own patterns for language since then, but it is undeniable that Ïorreg, Filli, and Dumgarth had some level of influence on our linguistic patterns.
Jörregson Devilhammer
Born to a weapon crafter and a Tiefling Elf, Jörregson always was odd for a Dwarf. At the ripe age of 80, he published his "Journal of Jörregson Devilhammer, Dwarf Linguist". The 2980 PW piece is the most relevant source of linguistic information for any culture to learn about the patterns and changes of almost every tribe on the Arengold Tree. Jörregson Devilhammer made 5 copies to give as gifts to multiple tribal leaders, and has received many gifts as a result. He is well-loved by his tribemates and his wife, Fillia Devilhammer, who helped him with much of the research and is often cited for deserving the credit for the book. Whether or not that is the case, both Devilhammers live comfortably in the Southeastern Roots, in their home tribe of Hammer Dwarves.

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