The Archive of Sphera Building / Landmark in The Archive of Sphera | World Anvil
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The Archive of Sphera

Written by NiLib

The Archive of Sphera is an building in the City of Contrea.
It's operated by The Archivists of Sphera and is the most extensive collection of knowledge in Sphera. Historical notes, scrips, and books are primarily stored in the underground magically protected archive. It's also a famous tourist attraction in the city.

Purpose / Function

The archive collects and preserves knowledge from all civilizations across Sphera. Established and operated by The Archivists of Sphera, the archive meticulously processes, copies, and safeguards ancient manuscripts and texts.

Protection and Accessibility

To ensure its invaluable contents remain unscathed, the archive is fortified with mighty elemental magic, shielding it against fire damage and vandalism. Access to the archive, especially to view the original historical documents like The Peace Treaty of Jarnska, is highly restricted and granted only to a select few. However, a substantial portion of the work is accessible to the public through information stations in the public area of the building.

A meeting place for historians

Beyond its primary role as a guardian of knowledge, the archive also serves as a hub for intellectual exchange. It provides ample space for hosting conferences and readings facilitating scholarly discussions and cultural events. This dual function underscores the archive's significance as a repository of the past and a vibrant center for contemporary learning and discourse.


Over the years, the Archive building has undergone significant expansions to accommodate its growing needs. These developments have focused on enhancing its administrative capacities and conference facilities, reflecting the increasing demand for such spaces.

Underground Extensions

The most substantial expansions of the archive, however, have occurred underground. These extensive underground developments have been primarily aimed at enlarging the storage capacity for the actual archive. This strategic choice provides more space for the ever-growing collection of documents and artifacts and ensures their protection and preservation in a controlled environment.

Developments of the Archive Park

Alongside the structural expansions, the archive has also seen the creation and multiple revisions of the Archive Park. This park, likely serving aesthetic and recreational purposes, is integral to the Archive complex. It reflects the archive's commitment to providing a holistic environment that blends natural beauty with scholarly pursuits, offering a serene backdrop for visitors and scholars alike.


The Exteriors

The Archive building in Sphera exhibits a unique architectural style, externally drawing inspiration from the ancient architecture of the 1st Era. This historical influence is particularly evident in the design of its pillars, which, when combined with large glass fronts, create a distinctive and visually striking aesthetic. This combination of ancient and modern elements reflects Medius's rich historical legacy and symbolizes the Archive's role in bridging the past and the present.

The Archive

In contrast to its historically-inspired exterior, the interior of the Archive is modernly equipped and designed with the primary goal of protecting and preserving the ancient works housed within. This modern interior ensures that the Archive remains at the forefront of preservation technology, offering state-of-the-art facilities for storing, studying, and displaying its collections. The blend of ancient exterior aesthetics with a modern, functional interior exemplifies the Archive's commitment to honoring the past while embracing the future.
The large conference rooms within the Archive maintain this theme of ancient architectural style. By preserving the essence of the 1st Era's design, these rooms provide a historically resonant setting conducive to scholarly discussions and cultural events.


The Archive of Sphera is renowned for its role in preserving knowledge and its costly security measures. These measures are critical in safeguarding the priceless manuscripts and artifacts housed within the Archive.

The Magical Defense System

At the core of the Archive's defense are a series of magical barriers complemented by self-defense systems powered by magic crystals. These barriers and systems represent a sophisticated blend of magic and technology to protect the Archive against various threats. The details of these defenses are highly confidential, underscoring the importance and sensitivity of the materials protected within the Archive.

Security Personnel

In addition to these magical defenses, the Archive maintains a dedicated group of guards composed of magicians and non-magicians. This diverse composition ensures that the security team is equipped to handle various scenarios, combining magical expertise with traditional security tactics. The presence of such a well-rounded security force further reinforces the Archive's commitment to the utmost safety and protection of its invaluable contents.


As University Building

Before its transformation into the Archive, the building was part of the Contrean University, serving as a repository for important documents of Contrean history. This initial function established its role as a center for knowledge and learning.

The Choice for an Archive Building and the Controversy

After the Great War, the Peace Council recognized the urgent need to prevent further loss of knowledge. A grand Archive was proposed, and numerous locations were considered. The suggestion to repurpose the library of the University of Contrea for the Archive sparked considerable controversy. Critics, still vividly remembering the war, viewed the choice of a building associated with the aggressor as an inappropriate signal to the war-affected populations. Despite the controversy, the Peace Council narrowly voted to use the building previously dedicated to Soluanic history. The renovation process was met with protests, particularly from the Elven community, who had strong reservations about this decision.

Recognition and Award

Years later, the building was honored as the "Most important Building of the Contrean Republic," a testament to its transformation and purpose. Today, the Archive is the most significant edifice dedicated to knowledge and history, symbolizing a beacon of learning and a repository of the collective memory of all civilizations in Sphera. This history reflects the building's journey from a university library to a monumental archive, embodying resilience, adaptation, and the unyielding pursuit of preserving knowledge.


Despite its initial controversy, the Archive building in Contrea has become a major tourist attraction for the city. This transition marks a significant shift in public perception, turning a once-controversial site into a place of widespread interest and appreciation.
Statistical surveys reveal that most visitors to the Archive are humans, followed by dwarves. This demographic pattern indicates the broad appeal of the Archive across different races, highlighting its cultural and historical significance.
Initially, many elves harbored reservations about visiting the Archive due to its location and associated history. However, recent studies show a change in this trend, with an increasing number of elves visiting the building. This shift suggests gradually healing old wounds and a growing recognition of the Archive's role as a symbol of shared knowledge and history.
The increasing diversity of visitors to the Archive reflects its growing acceptance and importance as a cultural and historical landmark. It is a testament to Sphera's rich past and a beacon of unity and understanding among its various peoples. The Archive's evolution into a celebrated tourist destination underscores its transformation from a site of contention to one of communal pride and interest.
Founding Date
10 First Bloom 7667 C.E. (8 E.5)
Alternative Names
The Great Archive
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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