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The Archive of Sphera A world of Magic and Technology

5th Era

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The Archive of Sphera stands as the premier institution of collective knowledge across all continents. Its storied history encompasses humans, elves, dwarves, and other races, with their extensive lore meticulously compiled and archived. It's a rich tapestry of discoveries, inventions, conflicts, and alliances, both friendly and hostile. Now, in the 5th Era, the Age of Space Travel, a blend of magic and technology has flung open the gates to the cosmos, forging new possibilities. The 4th Era bestowed upon the myriad realms of Medius advancements like mechanical crystal magic and the steam engine, democratizing magic for all. In the 3rd Era, mages covertly controlled the feudal continent.   The 1st and 2nd Eras are also noteworthy. The 1st Era was marked by early advanced civilizations, while the 2nd Era was dominated by the Medimperium.   Even the Barbaric Era has tales to share.   Sphera is a planet teeming with diverse stories, eagerly awaiting exploration...

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