Suriel Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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A titanic, godlike entity produced by the extreme imbalance of 8673 Felis's planar system. Aspected towards Radiance, but encompassed (and subsumed) all elemental affinities beyond its side of the border marked by the Twin Maelstroms.   Suriel influenced the inhabitants of Daevas through dreams, inciting and empowering two attempts to destroy Zurvan and break the cycle that had created it - one an unmitigated disaster, the other only barely successful through the intervention of the Hedron crew.   Following the End of Daevas, Suriel was effectively erased from time, but appears to live on in some form or another as part of the future iteration of Zurvan that erased it.

Physical Description

Body Features

An indecipherable mass of eyes, wings, and burning Radiance.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Circumstances of Death
Unmade from history by the intercession of Zurvan's future self.
All Of Them

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