Sunasan Species in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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The firstborn. The guardians of the way. The sunasa were young when our galaxy formed, and as they've grown older so too have they grown immeasurably wiser. Using their wormgates, sunasa share their thoughts through an endless psychic song that reverberates throughout spacetime. You can also fly ships through the gates if you're nice to them.

Basic Information


Sunasa are aquatic in origin, but have been fully spacefaring for hundreds of thousands of years. Outside of their voidsuits, they are vaguely cetacean, albeit with long trailing tentacles in place of fins.

Ecology and Habitats

Sunasan voidsuits replicate the environment of their lost homeworld - a unique titan world formerly located somewhere in the Amaranthine Sector. No currently known planetary environment is able to support them.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sunasa are only found in the space around their Wormgates.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All sunasa are powerful psions, and most have practiced for many times the lifespan of other sapient species. Communicating telepathically at a distance of light-minutes is a cinch, to say nothing of moving starships around with waves of psychokinetic force. The full extent of their power is unknown, but none dare risk upsetting them.
Average Height
Average Weight
10k+ metric tons
Average Length

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