Planet Classes Technology / Science in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Planet Classes

A quick and dirty planetary classification system devised by the Star Surveyors. There are many complicating factors, gray areas, and the occasional extreme outlier, but spacers throughout the sector find these useful for fast identification and prioritization.  
An atmospheric planet with no surface water.
A planet whose surface is composed of frozen volatiles.
Gas Giant
A massive planet that is composed of lighter gaseous elements (such as hydrogen or helium) surrounding a solid core.
Ice Giant
A massive planet that is composed of heavier gaseous elements (such as carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen) surrounding a solid core.
A planet whose surface is molten due to tidal forces or proximity to its star.
A planet covered entirely by oceans.
An airless, geologically inert planet.
An atmospheric planet composed primarily of silicates, featuring surface water.
A massive planet dominated by extremely deep oceans.

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