Noodle Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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It's Noodle! Former ship's cook aboard the Crimson Cutlass, Noodle jumped ship for the Hedron Crew after discovering that other vessels generally had nicer people on them. Excitable, but often overwhelmingly shy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Noodle is a member of a currently unknown snakelike reptilian species; his body is made up of a (mostly) humanoid torso at the end of a long, slender tail without legs. The tail is mostly made up of powerful musculature surrounding a digestive tract; reproductive organs are external and located at the join between torso and tail, which is a recurring source of anxiety and insecurity for Noodle. No peeking!

Apparel & Accessories

Fond of sweaters, at least when he's not in Cool Guytm mode. Has been gifted Layle's collared jacket, which he sensibly wears when the climate permits and not all the time like an antisocial weirdo.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former stowaway on a Consortium starliner, Noodle was put to work in the galley until liberated by The Red Raiders, who then put him to work in their galley. Over the course of his struggle to keep everyone aboard the Crimson Cutlass happy, Noodle has picked up many disciplines; cooking, carpentry, sewing, gunsmithing, leatherworking, etc.   After encountering the Hedron crew, Noodle was doted upon by Bej Amel and Tammy and learned that sometimes the person it's most important to keep happy... is yourself.

Gender Identity





Helps out in the Hedron's diner, a duty he splits with Mr. Adequate. With ideal hours and a friendly crew, Noodle has found cooking to be more fulfilling than ever before in his culinary career.


Contacts & Relations

In a casual relationship with Tammy, who has helped him slowly become more confident.


Speaks with a pronounced stutter, at least partially brought on by nervousness.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
"a grown man"
Orange with slitted pupil
Red-orange finned crest
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray/tan scales, with yellow and red stripes
Stands at about 4'4"; total body length of 11'8"
Other Affiliations
Noodle...? No. Cool Guytm Noodle.

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