Ilos, the Traveler Character in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Ilos, the Traveler


An entity as mysterious as they are capricious, Ilos has some kind of grand design - but good luck getting them to explain it. Regarded by some as a god, others as a demon, and by a "lucky" few as simply an itinerant trickster that can't leave quickly enough.   On a mission to discover the cause of disappearing stars on the edge of the galaxy, Ilos has "adopted" the Hedron crew and occasionally appears to nudge them in the right direction. Or sometimes the wrong direction.

Divine Domains

Travel, especially spaceflight; discovering new places, and learning from those who came before; the pursuit of new experiences.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

It is unclear exactly what Ilos's bodyplan is; they always have two legs, but seem to possess anywhere from zero to eight arms, each ending in a hand with four to six fingers. The embroidered sleeves on their smock are purely ornamental in this regard.

Special abilities

Teleportation, probability & energy manipulation, omniscience (according to them). Capable of appearing as a member of another species, albeit with minor aesthetic oddities - purple/gray skin or fur, luminous eyes, and other such quirks.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a ruffled purple dress with a magenta smock over it. Around their neck is a silver chain with charms representing different star classes. The sleeves of their smock have silver embroidery in the shapes of unfamiliar constellations, faintly twinkling even in complete darkness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Very little about Ilos's actual, non-mythic history is known. Through the lens of Diasporan legend and the personal testimony of the ancient immortal Ky, it seems that most of Ilos's early career was spent seeking out new civilizations and new forms of life... and getting one over on them by any means necessary. It's only in (relatively) recent history that Ilos has developed a conscience, though the consequences of their past meddling are still felt throughout the galaxy.

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Seems to like trains.


Contacts & Relations

Currently (presently?) in a casual (but not causal) relationship with Layle of the Hedron crew. What exactly transpires on their time/space-spanning "dates" - during one of which, Layle appeared to give his future self fashion advice - is kept secret to preserve the crew's linear perception of time. They definitely talk about capellan anime, though.   Has had previous flings with Bej Amel and the Nameless Leviathan, the latter of which ended with several thousand years of awkwardness. Possesses intimate details about the Gardener but insists they were "never a thing."
Divine Classification
Chaotic Sillybilly
Bright luminous blue
Black and smoky, with trailing wisps and tendrils.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Vantablack, with swirling purple stars and nebulas shining through - like a window into deep space.
Known Languages
Progenitor of the Traveler's Blessing, a boon (or curse) that allows those under Ilos's protection to 'understand and be understood' - essentially removing language barriers. Its effects are more or less seamless, and those unaware of the Traveler's meddling seem to be unable to become aware of it.

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