Belligots: They got a loud roar Species in The Afterworld | World Anvil
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Belligots: They got a loud roar

They're massive reptiles that can be up to twice the weight of elephant bulls and have sacks in the underside of their neck that they will spend up to a minute filling with air making themselves look like the reptile equivalents to Frigatebirds and then release it in a massive, loud roar that can be heard for tens of miles away by human ears and lasts several minutes.

This is how they mark their territory; literally just the equivalent of yelling "fook erff yer fookin geezers!". It's also used for attracting mates, aka "com un git sum fuk yer ugly shets!"

They're the top mobile predators of their natural environment, the lower levels of the Eastern mountain range within the Black Forest.

They hunt by covering themselves in mud that masks their scent and helps camouflage them (NOTE: their intelligence is roughly equivalent to that of above-average dogs. They do this instinctively) and getting as close to their prey as possible before partially loading up that neck sack and, unlike the roar that's meant to be heard from all directions, shaping their tongue so that what they fire is a sonic blast, often from 50 meters or more away.

Their prey is left completely deaf and disorientated and they usually let it run away if it doesn't injure itself trying to get away. The Belligot then tracks it by scent over the next 1-3 days and takes advantage of its deafness not to be noticed despite its size as it approaches and takes its prey by surprise to kill it.

Basic Information


Like a bearded dragon but if the legs came out from underneath rather than to the sides (the way the legs of a dog or cat are different to those of a lizard or turtle). Has wrinkliness on its lower neck that can expand with air as a sack for their sonic attacks and territorial claiming.

Biological Traits

Average lifespan of 18 years, but they can live to be over 500 if never forced into starvation by the young adults.

Their deepest layer of skin is actually really colourful in breeding seasons, but is covered by multiple dull and extremely tough layers of skin.

Genetics and Reproduction

During the mating season, males will roar with all their might and horniness to attract females to them, with females preferring louder males but each generally mating with multiple males during this to increase the genetic variety of their offspring. The females protect the eggs until they hatch, which takes 5 months, and Belligots won't attack young of their own species but those young have to provide for themselves and as they grow find their own territory, usually by fighting another or several other grown Belligots.

Growth Rate & Stages

Generally take 12 years to reach adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Lower levels of the East Mountain Range in the Black Forest. Every one of those bits in that sentence comes with all sorts of fantastical names in different cultures aware of or living there but I don't like playing favourites except when I do.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous. They're immune to pretty much all ingested poison and can eat utterly rancid rotten meat.

Biological Cycle

hatch, hunt for self, get older, take territory by defeating an older belligot, mate, protect eggs until they hatch if female, get old, be unable to stop another from beating you into giving up your territory cos old, maybe survive a little longer by scavenging or hunting in outskirts of territory, die.

Additional Information

Social Structure



Ha no it does not work. The best anyone pulls off is wearing the skin of baby Belligots and being mistaken for baby Belligots (despite having excellent vision, it's a pacifying smell that stops hostility to the little ones so this works) and therefore given nothing more than warning growls.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their sacks and vocal chords can be cut out, preserved with salt and then moistened over several days before each use to replicate a roar: this works as a form of territorial marking by tribals that makes Belligots not go near their settlements, although simple Grozzi piss (everything is terrified of Grozzi, even other Grozzi) is preferred.

The deepest layer of their skin is beautiful and colourful during their breeding season, so anyone who successfully kills one during the breeding season can make fat stacks off of it.

Their outer layers of skin are valuable for strong leather armour, but this isn't particularly special as far as monsters go.

They have long tendons in their legs that can be turned into elastic ropes, which can be used in all sorts of things but most notable is the ropes of Spider-Bolts (hook-firing-and-retracting guns - they don't have gunpowder they use an organ extracted from a plant that's meant to be for launching seeds - that are used for incredible manoeuvrability and speeds in the Black Forest and which have been getting a lot of "hmm... interesting" looks from various factions in Lamara).

Their second layer of skin, more focused on shock absorption than being tough against claws, can serve the same purpose in lower layers of monster-skin armour. It's also brilliant for gliders.

Ground up claws are believed to have great healing capabilities, although in practice all they've got are some anti-bacterial properties (and even then should still be washed before this).

Facial characteristics

Strong jaws for crunching bones. Their faces look like those of iguanas.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lower levels of the East Black Forest Mountains.

Average Intelligence

Roughly equivalent to a slightly above average dog.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very bad hearing. Very good smell. Very good vision. Can feel vibrations through the ground in case the bigger fish in Obi's famous quote happens to be nearby.
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Grey, green and brown. Yeah the males impress the ladies by being noisy not by being colourful.

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