Anti-Potion Potion Condition in The Aerth | World Anvil
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Anti-Potion Potion

The Fae gave the Serum of Serenity.   The Trolls gave the Stone Bath of Healing.   The Seakin gave the Algae of Purity.   The Humans gave the Anti-Potion Potion that counteracts all of the above.   You see the Fae are half air, Trolls are half stone and the Seakin are half seawater. Their solutions to trouble do not carry over smoothly to ordinary Humans. Especially since Humans are only half reality.   The Serum of Serenity indeed settled the mind but those settled humans grew light as air, getting lost in the clouds. The Stone Bath caused the common bodily ills to flee but humans began to gnaw on their stone walls, destroying their teeth. The Algae of Purity allowed everyone to drink poison but the skin at the tip of their nose would begin to, like the Seakin's underwater skin, grow translucent and glow according to their mood.   Therefore the Human Sages bent their thought toward this problem. Eventually they found a potion that denied the half that was not similar and magnified the half that was similar. The similar part that gave them all arms and legs, eyes and ears, hearts and minds that needed healing.   Through several explosions, and a few acidic meltdowns, the Sages had a break-through when one of their number placed his lunch on the experiment table. The baked potato rolled out of the sack and plopped into the cauldron at the end of the table. After they cleaned up the resulting splash, the Sages realized success had arrived. Success! They did it! They were geniuses! They partied very humanly, with everything. Potions. Baths. Algae. Ale. In the end they were serene as the sunset, impenetrable to illness, and pure as the sunrise.


Human form's reaction to foreign elements.


Unstoppable floating. Unending hunger for stone. Untameable glowing.


Drink Anti-Potion Potion every morning on third breath of waking for seven days. At the end of seven days declare your humanity loudly from the rooftop/spire/tall thing. The Air/Stone/Water within you will have no choice but to go back to the places they belong.

Affected Groups


Hosts & Carriers

Fae, Trolls and Seakin.


Stick to human solutions/potions or always carry Anti-Potion Potion and be prepared to take a week off work.

Cultural Reception

It is a common mistake made by anyone who ever wanted to be more happy, more healthy, or more un-poisoned. Therefore it is not unusual to have at least one member of your circle laid up in their bed for a week cradling a vial of Anti-Potion Potion. Some find this necessity worthwhile if their other problem has been taken care of. Either their hearts are no longer broken, their hay fever is cured or their arch-nemesis has been proven to be trying to kill them with poisoned wine.   People are very tolerant because of this. Though it does cause rumours to infect your society. Exactly which problem did you have? Why are you Anti-Potion Potioned?
Anti-Potion Potion:
Cure What Cures You

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