The great gate
Prompt 19: A lost or discovered artifact of significance or power.
The great gate
Eons ago the land of Thar’kor was cursed by a horrible corruption brought forth by Demogorgon. The greatest clerics, druids, Paladins, sorcerers, and wizards of the age came together to create a barrier that would force back Demogorgon’s corruption and prevent him from entering the material plane in or near Thar’kor. This was a powerful magical force and needed to be sustained indefinitely. The ritual required the creation of ten dimensional gates that drew from the powers of the inner and outer planes to power great sigils that created the protective field interwoven into the very fabric of the material plane.
The order of the portals was created to protect the nine ring gates that channel power to the central sigil, however, one gate, now as the great gate, which stands in the central sigil, was too powerful and too pivotal to the creation of the protective barrier to allow its existence to be known by those who could be corrupted by the enemy. The great gate was constructed in secret, its exact location only known to a limited few, who were incorruptible and of the highest valor. The gate was then buried to prevent anyone from stumbling across its location. Since then, the gates’ location and existence has been though lost to the world.
In truth, the location is not entirely lost, but is most definitely unknown. The clues to finding the portals location lie in code left on each of the portal gates, which with the help of the Grand Marshal of the Order of Portal, who caries a relic that is the key to unlocking the code on the portals. Once the adventures discover this fact it will be a race against time to find the great gate before the Dark lord does, as he will attempt to destroy it in order to summon Demogorgon into the Thar’kor.
Item type
Power Storage / Generator
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