Takassis Settlement in Tethys | World Anvil
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Takassis is the capital city of the Kingdom of Pomas. it is a coastal river city and a major trade center. Built on the site where Ian Blackthorne slew the Dragon Takhasis, the city was build with the aid of Mountan Dwarves, Kobolds, and powerful earth magics.


51% human, 16% Dwarf, 7% Halfling, 3% elf, 7% Dragonborn, 4% Teifling, 3% gnome, 7% half-orc, 4% Half-elf, 3% other race.


Takhassis is pretty much run by the trade guilds who in turn owe there alligence to the crown. There are a number of important guilds in the city each of whom control apart of the city and kingdoms economy.

Guilds and Factions

The Lamplighters Guild: Responsible for the manufacture, installation, and maintenance of the lampposts found in the city as well as smaller magical lamps and lighting fixtures. They are also involved in the manufacture and use of fireworks.


The Tunnelers guild are responsible for the construction and maintenance of the city's sewers system, under vaults and other underground structures in the city.

The Miner's Guild are a cooperative of wealthy merchant families involved in the mining trade in the kingdom. they work together to regulate the mining industry.


The Royal Mint is responsible for minting pomasian coinage, enforcing official weights and measures and manage several important aspects of the kingdoms economy.


The Farmers cooperative, much like the mining guild, are a cooperative of wealthy farming families who work together to control agricultural prices and settle disputes between farmers.


The Dockworkers guild represents the interests of dockworkers in the city.


Shipwrights guild represent those who are involved in the construction and maintenance of water going vessels in the city.


The Teamsters Union represent the interests of those workers who are involved in the transport of goods and materials throughout the city and around the kingdom


Most buildings in the city are stone and wood construction with slate roofs. there are many statues, gargoyles and grotesques through out the city.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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