Ustarma Sandwalker Vehicle in Teruna | World Anvil
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Ustarma Sandwalker

Sandwalkers are a medium sized military transport vehicles that are primarily used in desert and snowy environments. Bulky and quadrupedal, this vehicle can house a crew of five and last without refueling for six months. Unlike most of Ustarma's other military vehicles the sandwalker has no weapon system attached, and as such travel in groups. These groups are usually ten strong, and have a larger central walker equipped with  large scale deployable shield in case of an airstrike. Additionally, sandwalkers have an impeccable communication system, and can connect to another walker from over 100 kilometers away.  
  While an expedition team usually plan their route in advance, sometimes they will run out of fuel during trans-continental journeys. So it's not uncommon for travelers to come across an envoy of walkers stationed on large sand dunes or hills as they wait for their batteries to recharge.

Armor and defense

Sandwalkers are covered in a shell of titanium, with a protective coating of crushed defensive sythstones. As stated previously, leader sandwalkers are equipped with large-scale deployable shields. Though there are some modified walkers that replace the titanium with dragonsteel. These walkers, however are both highly illegal and extremely slow.

Communication Tools & Systems


The state of the art communication system equipped in all sandwalkers. These systems are capable of handling a connection of fifty with little to no latency issues, and are perfect for logistics and strategic planning in the event of an emergency.  


The standard AI model Ustarma uses for transport. Cam3r-AI regulates power in the sandwalker and calibrates routes. This AI has a low chance of becoming sentient, but chances increase when paired with the same crew for a prolonged amount of time.


Geo-sensor QS

Due to the bulkiness of the sandwalkers, early models of the vehicle had been reported to fall victim to quicksand. To combat this, the next model of the sandwalker came equip with Geo-sensor QS. A sensor specifically made for sand-faring transport trucks, and modified to suit the sandwalkers.
An example of a leader sandwalker.
The blueprint and design of an average sandwalker.

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