Yggsil: Land of the Feral and the Free Geographic Location in Terras Mana | World Anvil
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Yggsil: Land of the Feral and the Free

Dry, Heated, Desolate.   The Kingdom of Yggsil is at first glance a desolate stretch of land, dry, cragged earth, plateau's of jutting earth covered in ash. The Flaming volcanoe that acts as a impending shadow of the surrounding lands, of crag and rock and heat. The Rivers are dried, the Lakes are full of ash, and the land is dead.   However this is not true. The kingdom of Yggsil is full of life, abundant, and teeming with souls that work and toil the land and its animals, rivers and fauna that spread under the dry plains.


Yggsil is a vast plain of dry earth above ground, normally black with soot and ash and toxic fumes the air unbreathable , or so it would be. The inhabitants of the capital at the base of the volcano have turned it into a geothermal paradise. The City and paths to the city being clear and breathable and teeming with life.   Plains of Cragged rock, and large cracks in the ground surround the base and cities of Yggsil. These large cracks that run throughout the dry land lead to underground reseviors being fed from Lake Svinir. The Lake feeds a plethora of hot springs via underground rivers where other blossoms of life live. From fungus, animals, lizards, and other flora fauna and wildlife live. The Heated water and Vapor vents feed into the surrounding cities and towns allowing for a boom of technological advancements that the Veral have taken advantage of. However alot of these inventions are not prevalent in the capital Muspeil, and can be found further and further from theVolcano's base.   Lava rivers above ground have been converted into thermal energy flows that help to power the base technology of the capital while the farther cities have to feed mostly off of the thermal energy of the underwater rivers, and Vapor tubes.   Yggsil takes up half of the continent of Ginnu, stopping near the edge of the Sandsea, where now, the humans have been able to take back their jursidiction. The plains of Tiberus, (Named so after a Fallen king) is the only thing seperating the sandsea, and the cracking grounds of Ygssil's reach.   There is a penninsula that originates from the Plains of Tiberus, and stretches into the Solanean Sea that seperates the two continents. Here Yggsil's ocean style city lies, a bridge of rock and earth connect this city to Muspeil. It is a place of trade and to assimilate other cultures into the fold of *Dagonir's unifying embrace.   Paths and roads litter both above ground and underground tunnels leading to specific destinations, weaving up and down throughout the continent creating a dissaray of paths that feel as if they dissappaer and re-appear at will.   Maps depicting these roads have a two level system that shows which underground tunnels lead to where, however it is still easy to get lost within the hot humid forests of Yggsil.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the leafy greens and the budding reds, oranges, and yellows lie beneath the surface of the desolate landscpoae. Mostly surrounding the warm and cold rivers the tunnels underneath Yggsil are teaming with life beyond measure. Almost insurmountable and uncountable the plethora of fauna that strives down in the humid atmosphere make up a majority of the space within the naturally and unnaturally carved tunnels.   Most of the fauna incorporate possible tropical influence but alot of it is more brush, leafy and full of insects and other life. Akin to the rainforests of Ginnu's more tropical side the plants reach throughout the tunnels feeding off of the thermal energy, and the high doses of invisible Life stream flow that perpetrates the large area.   The plants themselves don't need to photosynthesize, giving them more anamalistic tendencies. The bright colorful buds, dangling vines, and jawlike traps that the plants have are used to lure in unsuspecting prey and even sometimes other plantlife within the tunnels.   The Plants that survive above ground are rare, but powerful, in that they have many expanded uses within alchemic uses as well as healing salves, poisons, and even explosive properties. These plants seem like dried up brush soaking in the suns rays but in reality are feeding from the heat directly from their surrounding soil. Alot of them have vines that protrude from the ground and cover vast expanses of above ground turf.

Natural Resources

There is an abundunce of resourses in both farming, and food and rock and different stones.   Verallian Obsidian, and Verallian glass are in overabundance creating an art source within the outer cities, both underground and aboveground. With different styles of glass being the main resource for building materials, the Veral have figured out a plethora of ways to utilize them in most of their toosl too both be strong and sturdy and lasting.   The Rich minerals of the active Volcano allows for heavy farming. All kinda of food, from corn, rice, strawberries, blueberries, and a humongous assortment of other vegetables and fruits. However they have a different kind of farming attitude towards animals, using them for practical means than food.
Alternative Name(s)
Mountain of black snow.
Owning Organization

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