Neptune Island Geographic Location in Terra | World Anvil
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Neptune Island

The home island of the kingdom of Neptua. to the east of Terras mainland and named for the neptune royal family who has ruled over it for thousands of years.


The island has a decent sized coastline with a forest all around it, and past that forest is a massive swamp where few have gone in. Within the deepest part of the swamp is a location known as 'giants rest', the final resting place of a massive ancient elven airship.

Fauna & Flora

Grungs Lizardfolk Toads/frogs Giant toads/frogs Snakes Giant snakes Crocodiles Giant crocodiles Insects Various slimes Wild lamias


The island itself has actually been uninhabited for most of terras history, only being home to the occasional pirate town, tribes of lizardfolk or grungs. Beneath the island however lived a monster known as an imperator, the largest creature in terra besides the tarrasque, who enslaved the populations of Marfolk who lived in the ocean to worship it as a god. however, one marfolk, who was not controlled by its psychic influence, rose up and battled the monster. The one who was known through history as the marine champion, true name 'Valtiir Neptune', defeated the monster and ruled over the marfolk as their king. now, in addition to the kingdom neptua, There lives a group of pirates loyal to the kingdom known as 'port royal'.


The island itself has little tourism, being a massive swamp, and while the pirates of port royal are not hostile to anyone who isn't an enemy of Neptua, they still make people nervous.
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

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