The Weald Settlement in Terra Antiqua | World Anvil
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The Weald

The Weald is the eastern third of Dumnonia, it's northern border the river Tamessa. Pastoral countryside ideal for grazing ringed east and south by bountiful ports, including the massive Lowoneda at the mouth of the Tamessa. Imperial forts are strategically placed to house units and even the whole population in an emergency, roads meet Imperial standards, and natural hot springs abound in the Weald, many converted into public baths. The Weald was a land grant given to the Divine Ivlivs by the King of Dumnonia, and was settled under Twelve Tables law. The people here were merchants and traders who chose to settle under the Empire, and the Weald's law is Imperial law, it's city councils made of monied regional interests, landowners and the wealthy.


Landowners form councils that run the cities, including provisions for fortresses nearby. Fortress commanders receive supplies adequate to withstand siege for patrolling roads and protecting the populace, and are the ultimate judge in the fortress's territory. Private armies do exist, but unless an individual pays for the maintenance and upkeep of half again his army's to the Weald Governor, the army may not exceed a warband(100 men) in size. The Weald supports nobility in two titles, the powerful duchies that outfit and maintain soldiers to the sum of half their personal armies have judicial authority but laws are written by the city councils and approved by the governor. Duchies are vast and profitable, and are the upper echelon of Weald nobility. Fort commanders control the military. Their stations are assigned by the governor but many became hereditary after the Imperial withdrawal. Titled Marchion(ess), they hold many of the rights of dukes, but can issue decrees with the strength of law due to their positions. The marchions are dependent upon the city councils for funding as the fortresses are for protection, not profit.


The fortress grid is impressive, bound by the Heralds, a messenger service that carries information through the fortress system and interacts with the cities to keep the populace informed. Weald forts are built large enough to contain the entire population in emergency and have massive courtyards where markets may be held.

Industry & Trade

Craftsmen of all sorts reside in the Weald as raw materials flow through at prices close to the source's. The natural hot springs allow ornate baths, many of which are operated by healing orders.


Roads and rivers crisscross the Weald, including canals used for portage navigable by great barges drawn by livestock and smaller boats punted through.


The Weald is the major trade partner in the Heptarchy, receiving ships from the Mare Nostrum to the Jotunzee.

Guilds and Factions

Guilds and traders form and disband constantly around the Dockworkers' Union, which controls portage and loading/unloading but supplies muscle for any endeavor. The Heralds is a messenger service of great influence that even councils the courts and the nobles.


The Weald was established by a land grant none other than the Divine Ivlivs negotiated for his family. His ports and roads sprang into an Imperial colony so integral to the Gaius family's finances that the emperor Klavdivs spent the early years of his reign here pacifying the island and launching a generations-long war with Alba that only ended when jotun raiders pressed the goblyns to seek allies. The Weald was the heart of Imperial efforts here, and it was hard hit when the Empire withdrew troops to deal with the Eternal Secession. The Weald was fortunate Emrhys was governor, and this farsighted man kept the Weald safe and secure, even mentoring Idris through his early years. The Weald retained the Imperial ways that built it, and the governor is appointed by the First Dragon. Cities have the traditional Imperial offices, appointed by the governor from a list of candidates provided by the city council where the office is attached, save censors are elected during festivals by the populace.


Public buildings import stone and are finished before opening to the public while the forts use local stone left unfinished. The cities prefer Imperial design, though cost of stone sees housing in wood save for the very rich.


The Weald is good grazing country with wide, slow rivers navigable most of their length with minimal modifications creating a canal system competitive with the roads, which are Imperial standard. A second network of hot springs exists as well, extensive enough the Weald enjoys hot water without fire.

Natural Resources

Roe deer are the common herds, with goats second. Apples grow here in abundance, and the forests are managed woods grown for timber.
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