Order of the United Colonies Organization in TERRA AFTER EARTH | World Anvil
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Order of the United Colonies

"Listen up, soldiers! Today we´re gonna show these alien bastards what it means to be mankinds enemy! Let the entire galaxy know that we´re not giving up!"   -Commander Jason Lockheart
  The Order of the United Colonies, also known as OUC or simply The Order, is a military organization with the sole purpose of being humanities military presence within the galactic spectrum. Despite being tasked with protecing humanity first and foremost from all extra terrestrial threats, the Order also is responsible for exploring new planets to colonize as well as to establish contact with new alien civilizations.


The organizations leader is called Overlord, a person effectively running the entire OUC. In times of war, all leaders of each colony are stripped of their powers which are then all trasnferred over to whoever happens to be the Overlord at that moment, which means that not only does an Overlord command the Order, but also governs humanity as a whole and has the power to restructure society to support the war effort by passing laws such as lowering the age for recruitment or making military service mandatory for everyone.   However, an Overlord never works completely alone, as they are usually assisted by the OUC High Command, a council of generals and admirals with military experience, trained in all kinds of scenarios. The High Command can operate on its own, however they have to file a report for the current Overlord, who then either approves or denies it. The High Command also has direct control over the Orders several divisions:   -United Colony Solar Navy: The United Colonies Space Fleet specialized in out of atmosphere combat.   -United Colony Airforce: Specialized in aerial combat within atmosphere, often working together with the Solar Navy.   -United Colony Ground Forces: Specialized in ground combat on both sea and land.   -United Colony Rangers: Also specialized in ground combat, however their focus is to explore new environments and to combat hostile wildlife.   -Special Operations for Reconaissance and Assault (SORA): An elite division consisting of the best soldiers humanity ever produced. They are the Jack of all trades within the OUC and often get their missions directly from Overlord which otherwise would be suicide missions for any other division.   -StarCell: An anti-terror unit founded in cooperation with the Covenants galactic governent.   -Joint Forces: An army consisting of both humans and aliens, patrolling the Covenants territory to protect the interests of both.   Apart from that, the Order also runs an R&D section which consists of several formerly private companies seized for war effort.


OUC soldiers are often described as very proud but also exceptionally disciplined people. Tough there may be a strict hierarchy, soldiers often see eachother as brothers no matter their division and follow a strict Leave no one behind policy. However, their pride has also a problematic downside, as OUC soldiers were often observed to be distrustful towards other alien species regardless if they were friendly or not.

Public Agenda

The OUCs main goal is to protect humanity and its interests on a galactic scale. Secondary to that are also the colonization of possibly habitable planets as well as to establish some sort of military cooperation with other alien species, altough the latter had proven to be quite a difficult topic due to humanities history about being attacked by aliens.


Since the OUC basically controls humanity, every asset, private or not, can be seized by the Order if necessary. Many private companies are restructured during wartime to support the troops, even something seemingly insignificant like a flower shop can be commited to breed special herbs that are used for treating wounded soldiers.   However over the years, the OUC managed to accumulate a large fleet of all sorts of vehicles reaching from spaceships to transport trucks as well as an army of roughly 21,5 Million active soldiers and about 28,6 Million in reserve.   The OUC is also very well known for its Space Fleet, even acknowledged by other more advanced species. There are currently 42 active fleets reaching from 5-20 ships per fleet patrolling their territories. Many of these ships are still equipped with outdated MAG drives, incapable of interstellar travel, however after the Gaja-Crisis, the Covenant agreed on providing humanity with the blueprints for the Void-Jump drive, so they can be able to operate on an intergalactic level.


Before the OUC was founded, there was an organization called the Frankfurt Accord. After the end of WW2 in 1952, several countries like the US, France, UK and even Germany signed a treaty by which their countries would form a defense pact that would protect the interests of the western world against the rising threat that Imperial Japan which occupied China at the time posed. By the 21st Century, many more countries from all over the world would join the Frankfurt Accord, which would later on become one of the two main superpowers on Terra. Thanks to the scientific breakthroughs regarding space travel during both WW2 and the Cold War, the Frankfurt Accord successfully colonized Terra neighboring Planet Ares in 2004.    In 2131 however, following the collapsing US economy, overpopulation on Terra rising, natural ressources becoming scarce and Japan having a fascist revolution calling itself now Jade Republic of Zhonghou, the FA colony on Ares declared itself and its outposts on the outer moons independant, now being renamed to Republic of the United Colonies. In the same year, after it became apparent that the Frankfurt Accord had been defeated on Terra, the United Colonies formed a military organization to protect themselves from possible attacks coming from the Jade Republic: The Order of the United Colonies.   Years later tough, the Jade Republic had conquered almost the entire Helios System, and the OUC saw no other option than to evacuate the system via a small fleet of generation ships headed for a faraway star system called Galileo 1641-B.   3312, humanity arrived in their new home system, now relying solely on the OUC and their capabilities of claiming new worlds for colonization effort. They were successful, at last, with the entirety of mankind having established itself in its new home.    Little did they knew however, that this would trigger one of the biggest conflicts in the history of the galaxy, with the OUC being at the front.    In 3397, humanity was attacked by the Star Spawn, a terrorist group made up of several alien races, and the Orders military presence became more important than ever.   This was the beginning of the Gaja-Crisis, the central conflict of TERRA AFTER EARTH: WRATH OF THE STARS.

For Humanity

Founding Date
4th April 2131
Military Order
Alternative Names
OUC, The Order,
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
OUC Troops, Soldiers,
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Dollarpound (DP)
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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