Columbia Federation Organization in TERRA AFTER EARTH | World Anvil
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Columbia Federation

"Remember: A good Xeno knows his place. Obedience will be rewarded. All creatures are equal but Man above all, this is the Law."   -Propaganda Poster from the Federations segregated settlements for Aliens
  The Columbia Federation is a major antagonistic american faction in TERRA AFTER EARTH: STARS OF LIBERTY. Founded by former US President Peter Irons, the Federation traveled all around the galactic core, helping to rebuild other less advanced alien civilizations while also obliging them to assist in their military advancements towards the Covenants territory. The Federation was disbanded after the second Pangalactic War.


The de facto leader of this organization is former US President Peter Irons, still calling himself President despite being more of a religious figure in his own nation.   The Minutemen are a council of high ranking generals from Irons army, both directly serving him and acting as some sort of superhero organization also being worshipped by the Federation Citizens. The Minutemen consist of:   -Olenka Ming (Lady Liberty): Irons Wife and the CEO of Ultor Robotics, a large tech company producing the Federations military equipment.   -Lorelle Irons (Doc Mercy): Mad scientist specializing in realtime genetic engineering.   -Oda Nobunaga (Papercut): Former history teacher who annoyed Irons with his historical knowledge so he used facial reconstruction and hypnosis to turn the teacher into a feudal japanese warlord.   -Carbine Thompson (Mr. Butterfly): A weapons researcher who after an accident in his ammunitions factory is now a cyborg being made up of several firearms and ammunition taking a humanoid form.   -Vincent Vega (Adam Gale): A mysterious man with an Alpha Genome, making him a powerful Cronomorph like Salia. Usually acts as Irons personal assassin.   -Exterminator Unit 01 (EX): Mass murderer who got his mind transferred over into one of Olenka Mings projects. Now being a powerful machine, he destroyed every robot modeled after him to stay unique.   -Takeo Tokaji (Lawbringer): Highly trained elite cop who makes sure that the balance between the law and Janairos criminal underground remains intact. Also a pretty abusive husband.   -Bernhard Leichmann (Spectre): Former Nazi scientist who deserted to Agartha, being immortal by turning himself into a Homunculus. Impressed by Irons views on transhumanism, Spectre agreed to help him conquer Agartha.   -Vladimir Drakov (The Count): A high ranking Corynori general who was granted a place next to Irons when his Species joined the Federation.   -Adrius Vah Keuka (Tentacle Rush): A Govulgar who helped assassinating the recent Govulgar King so the Federation could take over their government.   -Chief Pancor (Black Bull): A Borogai chief who is in charge of the Children of Asir, a renegade Borogai faction.   The Minutemen only act in Irons interests, be it by loyalty or outright fear. Each general is also in charge of one to several dozen fleets, often incharge of either opressing other species to force them to join the Federation or to attack hostile territories.


The Federation is an American inspired empire, means american symbolism like eagles, stars & stripes combinations or the colors red white and blue are viewed as religious imagery and is often being worshipped by the Federations citizens. Next to that, the Federations main religion is centered around the so called "Way of Self", a currency based religion ranking people from S-F:   -Rank S: Untouchables like the President or the Minutemen   -Rank A: High ranking military personnel   -Rank B: Lower ranking military personnel   -Rank C: Upper class families   -Rank D: Middle- to lower class families   -Rank E: Bottom class families, often indebted    -Rank F: "The Fallen", individuals who have been deemed useless by Irons System   These ranks are directly tied to ones fortune, with a free market lacking almost any regulations at all being installed to inspire people to be better. Personal fortune is also often enhanced by so called "Social Fortune", which is used as in indicator for ones worth within the Federations Society. This means that a Citizen can either ascend by accumulating a large sum of money and/or gathering a large amount of social fortune by doing public services, often including serving in the military. With each rank, a person is granted more rights, with the Untouchables being completely immune to all consequences and Rank F citizens being stripped of all rights, often being used as slaves.   Due to Irons propaganda, the majority of inhabitants believe that war is ones way of proving their worth, also sharing a fascination for guns.

Public Agenda

The ultimate goal of the Federation is to defeat both the Covenant, the OUC and the Azurian Hegemony in a major galactic war to establish humanity as the galaxies predominant species. Other races were meant to be tolerated, however it was stated by Irons that the Federations tolerance would only go so far as long as other species "knew their place", implying that anything that isn´t human would live a live as a lower class citizen.   Behind that goal lies another motivation however: Irons was assisted by Typhon who tasked the former with creating a society that would push mankind beyond its boundaries. This is because Typhon needed an army to eventually challenge the other emmissaries who were still tring to invade this universe. He figured that humanity, their creation, was the perfect fit for being their ultimate downfall.


With the Federations focus on building an empire solely meant for complete domination, their military assets are almost ridiculous, with 8.7 Billion active soldiers, almost ten times the amount of military robots acting as foot soldiers and a fleet that could (and did) besiege the Covenants core systems within weeks due to its massive size of several thousand vessels. At its prime, these numbers were also enhanced by a constant flow of new troops and assets from the systems the Federation conquered.   Similar to the OUC, the Federation was also known for seizing any private asset that could be of use in times of war.


After Terra and the rest of the Helios System got taken over by Typhon, he tried to crack open Terras surface to reach Agartha, but failed when the Planet put itself together each time. This cataclysm vastly altered Terra, as continents from both Terra and Agartha were chaotically merged with eachother. As a side effect to this catastrophe, the Planet had a certain reaction to trauma, which manifested itself in the RaViD-1 Pandemic, a virus turning any intelligent life into hostile creatures called the Goethia.   Since the Goethia swarms were localized, Irons managed to find a relatively safe place to build a new society: The continent of Australia. After the Cataclysm, large parts of western Europe as well as another Agarthian continent had been merged with Australia, creating a different landscape from what this land formerly was known for. Surprisingly , thanks to its new location, the large desert areas were now filled with forests and large, grassy planes, as the dried out soild became more and more fertile over time. Much to his delight, Irons found several underground cities over there as well, once built by the Australian government to evacuate millions of citizens from all over the world in case of a global disaster. The cities had been thriving for centuries now, and Irons showed up as a self proclaimed savior guiding them back to the surface and building a new empire.    By 2776, the new Australia had been reclaimed by humanity, the former bunkers now lying beneath large walled off cities called Conglomerates. The biggest one was the Conglomerate Janairo, which Irons chose as the capital for his new version of America: The Columbia Federation. Soon, Irons would rebuild the Providence, a large ring shaped space colony built around Terra once left behind by the Jade Republic. From there, it wouldn´t take long until he was able to reach out to Ares and the Outer Moons, where other survivors managed to recover from the war and thus, Irons had already conquered the entire Helios System.    But that wasn´t enough, as Irons had a plan in mind. With Typhons assistance, he travelled all around the galactic core and helped other less advanced species with their technological prgress in exchange for their loyalty. At this rate, the Federation grew and grew, since the Covenant didn´t even notice the vast expansion of his empire, Irons had a free hand in improving his army and influence.    This process would keep going on for several centuries until in 3456, the Federation had its first contact with the OUC and the Covenant, which lead to the second Pangalactic war, the main conflict of TERRA AFTER EARTH: STARS OF LIBERTY.


In 3458, the Federation was at its peak, even having conquered almost the entire Covenants territory, effectively winning the war.    However, as Irons had what he wanted, this being to create an empire worthy of mankind, he resigned completely, as he knew that Typhon would use the Pillar to merge humanity with its homeworld to start anew. The surviving Minutemen as well as the Federations high command all gathered in the ruins of Washington DC to commit a collective suicide before the convergence, but were interrupted by Michael who challenged Irons to a duel.    After a long fight, Michael stood victorious, with Irons granting his adopted son complete power over what was left of the Federation. Taking advantage of this, Michael, now the new President of the Columbia Federation, surrendered to the Covenant of the Allied stars and ordered all troops around the galaxy to stand down, ending the second Pangalactic War as well as the Federation once and for all.

From Ashes to Infinity

4th July 2776 - 2nd September 3458

Alternative Names
The Federation, America,
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The Feds
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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