HPE Species in TERRA AFTER EARTH | World Anvil
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"We don´t bring you destruction. Destruction is violent, vulgar... We simply bring you death, for it is quite peaceful and very, very gentle."   -An HPE talking to Sally
  The Highest Possible Entities (HPE) are one of, if not the most important species in TERRA AFTER EARTH right next to Humans. They are planet-like beings responsible for all of creation whose only purpose is to create a new universe with a new HPE so the cycle can begin anew.   Terra, Humanities homeworld had been revealed to be an HPE herself.

Basic Information


HPEs take the shape of hollow Planets. Usually, one could not even tell the difference between an HPE and a regular Planet when observed with the naked eye, probably as a method of natural camouflage. However, an HPE only reveals its anomaly when oberserved from the inside. Each HPE has an inner surface with livable conditions where new species are bred to determine wich of these species will become the new humanity in case of a mass extinction event on the outer surface. The inner surface of the current HP is called Agartha by its inhabitants.   In its center, HPEs have a structure which is called the "Sunmoon", where their brain is located. Since the "planet" can still survive without its brain, it is suspected that both Terra and Agartha are just some sort of shell and that the brain is the actual HPE.    Regarding the brain, this object can take many shapes and sizes. Before the brain fused with Salia Yuki during the Second Pangalactic War, it was shaped like a spear with its head looking like a human hand that had an eye in its center. It is not clear if the eye can actually see but witnesses reported that the eye was following certain persons as if it was observing them.

Genetics and Reproduction

-STAGE 1: In the first stage, the HPE produces a new humanity on its inner surface using the Constructors. There, humanity would evolve into a self sufficient species.   -STAGE 2: The second stage involves sending humanity to the surface where it evolves further, being led by the Emmissaries who act as gods. Once humanity has evolved far enough, the Emmissaries retreat and only guide humanity indirectly from the shadows.   -STAGE 3: Now there are two possible scenarios: If humanity is deemed a success, the HPE will begin mergin with them, creating a new universe in the process where a new HPE would be born. If humanity is deemed as a failure however, the Emmissaies are ordered to wipe them out and let a new humanity take their place. The requirements for failure and success are unknown and apparently change everytime by unknown factors.

Growth Rate & Stages

Usually, an HPE takes several billion years to fullfill its life cycle. It is to note that the HPE itself has no limited life expectancy, but will pursue her goal of reproducing nontheless.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to their shear size, HPEs can only survive in space.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

An HPE can only exist once within an entire universe.

Average Intelligence

Apparently all knowing yet seemingly only acting on instinct

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Since the brain of an HPE cannot leave its place, HPEs have to rely on other methods to interact with their environment. For this, they have two special "Servant Species" a kind of species that is bred by others to enforce a symbiotic relationship. On the inner surface, the HPE uses Constructors, large whale like beings that fly through the air and plant seeds and other kinds of life, creating and maintaining an ecosystem. On the outer surface however, the HPE sends Emmissaries, large humanoids with uncanny intelligence meant to simply observe and guide humanity, in order to speed up their evolutionary process.   During the Second Pangalactic War, a third species was discovered: The Goethia. These bizarre creatures act as guardians, protecting the Planet from everything that could potentially harm humanity or endanger its survival.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

-Humanity   -Constructors   -Emmissaries   -Goethia

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

-Terra (Humanities Homeworld)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Cosmos Maxima
Lifespan years
Conservation Status
After the Second Pangalactic War, the true nature of the HPE was revealed to the galaxy, and the Covenant immediately took measures to protect Terra, the current HPE, by guarding it with several fleets. Humanity also buil an entire fleet for the sole protection of Terra, as its destruction would cause life itself to end.
Average Height
Roughly 13.000 km
Average Weight
Circa tons
Geographic Distribution

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