Royal Marsh Settlement in Terniata | World Anvil
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Royal Marsh


Despite the name, Royal Marsh is the wealthiest of the boroughs. It was developed from swampland at the same time as the royal palace, and much of the architecture is similar to that in style. The borough is full of nobles and courtiers, with a smattering of businesses.

  The streets of Royal Marsh are marked by tradition, in the vein of monuments and major landmarks. However these are only on the edges of Royal Marsh, for as you get deeper into the borough, the more residences and more mansions will be seen. Large houses are the norm, many of them set back from the street and with gardens. Private soldiers are not unknown and generally respond faster than the Watch. There are few people in Royal Marsh who are there with no purpose, and sight-seers or wanderers are watched closely.

  Royal Marsh is where everyone in the city aspires to live, but in reality, those who live here are strictly confined by protocol and tradition. This a bastion of old money, where honour is everything, and political intrigue swirls in the gutters. Anyone who is anyone is guaranteed to reside in this borough.

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