Evil Lake Geographic Location in Ternate Lanterns | World Anvil
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Evil Lake


In a province of Rice Island owned by Zhomad-Hur there is a glistening lake into which no river feeds and into which no river leaves. It is nestled in a bowl-shaped valley, surrounded by dome-crested hills, and a road has been cut across the vale in a long arc. From this humble road one can truly behold its magnificence, as the gentle glow behind Vramcharp's overcast strikes its windswept waves, which respond with an eerie luminance. But when one peers closer he will learn that the trees which line the lakeside are bent and haggard, and the lakeshore is lined with numerous skeletons. Hark, the suspicions of the Zhomadites are true, for it is not a lake cursed long ago by a mischievous demon, but instead a vast repository of strong concentrated sulfuric acid. The hillocks surrounding it are hills of limestone and chalk, made evident by rock faces of radiant white. Those who have approached it closest - in gas masks - have seen it boiling and leaping. Occasionally a puff of green smoke emerges from the lake, emitting an odour like rotten eggs. All passing travellers remember to heed the warning and never part from the road.

Fauna & Flora

Barely anything save for a few acid-resistant extremophilic mosses and things like tardigrades and the like.

Natural Resources

There is a lone pipe attached to a concrete pumphouse which siphons forth the sulfuric acid for scientific and military uses.
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