Venian Dice Tradition / Ritual in Teneterra | World Anvil
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Venian Dice


There are numerous versions of Venian dice games, which are played everywhere from the sketchiest tavern to the most lavish house throughout Venia and its multiple colonies. The game is typically accompanied by the players each drinking a cup of wine, with a common rule being the loser is obligated to purchase the next round of drink for everyone present should the setting be a tavern or wine bar. Betting is a ubiquitous feature of dice, ranging from a few brass coins to vast sums of gold. The simplest version of the game involves two players rolling a six-sided die. The two decide on a number to land on and the person who rolls on or closer to that number than the other is declared the winner. Alternatively, the players attempt to roll the lowest or highest number. Another variation requires three dice. Two or more players agree on a buy-in price and set it in the center of the table. Next, they must decide which roll a player needs to make to win. Each player shakes their dice and shows their lot simultaneously. This process constitutes one round. After every round, the players put the same amount as the buy-in price in a pile, which grows larger the longer the game continues. The first player to roll the indicated lot claims all the money in the center.   The simplest version of the game involves two players rolling a six-sided die. The two decide on a number to land on and the person who rolls on or closer to that the number than the other is declared the winner. Alternatively, the players attempt to roll the lowest or highest number. Another variation requires three dice. Two or more players agree on a buy-in price and set it in the center of the table. Next, they must decide which roll a player needs to make to win. Each player shakes their dice and shows their lot simultaneously. This process constitutes one round. After every round, the players put the same amount as the buy-in price in a pile, which grows larger the longer the game continues. The first player to roll the indicated lot claims all the money in the center.

Components and tools

The only things the game needs are a cup and a number of dice, the latter of which varies with the version of the game one plays.


Players are required, and people often observe them as well and make bets of their own on the results.


Venian dice games take place at every time of the day anywhere where the needed components can be found. Certain religious holidays prohibit gambling, so dice games are much less common on the day during which these take place.

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