Alternate Name: City of Gold
Population: 10,000
Demonym: Kysinarian
Demographics: As Kysinara was founded by Diakai colonists, their descendents still made up a significant portion of the city’s populations. Venians and other Ipiculans were a plurality.
Government: Following Diakai tradition, the male citizen body elected their leaders, who consisted of a main leader and small body of advisors. Another aristocratic body acted as a balance between the two entities and checked the powers of both.
Industry and Trade: Other than gold mining and other mineral extraction, goldsmithing was an unsurprisingly popular profession. Furthermore, the surrounding region was famous for its high-quality olive oil, with a unique fruity and nutty taste. The rocky hills were poor for grain-growing, but excellent for olive production.
Guilds and Factions: The College of Goldsmiths represented the interests of the city’s goldsmiths, while the town council acted as the unofficial College of Mineowners. The elite owned all the slaves and controlled most of the mines, while the rest were owned by the state and leased out to private contractors. A College of Silversmiths and College of Coppersmiths also existed to act as meeting places for the respective professions.
Tourism: Because of the dirty air in the city caused by the belching of smoke from various foundries, Kysinara was not popular with tourists.
Geography: Located in the foothills of the mountains and along the banks of a rriver, the city was founded in the ideal location to extract gold. Several hundred years after its founding, Kysinarians continued to discover new veins of gold. Most of the town rested on the western bank, with a smaller extension on the eastern bank. The Golden Road ran from Vosepi to a city on the southern coast of Ipicula and then north along the nearby river to Kysinara.
Natural Resources: Given the settlement’s name comes the Diakai word for gold, the shiny yellow was common in the nearby river and streams, as well as active mines.
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