Session 16: Past Assassinations Report in Tel'marún | World Anvil
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Session 16: Past Assassinations

General Summary

The party found themselves deep underground in the hideout of the Eye, the mysterious leader of a thieves bearing the same name. Having just defeated the zombified corpse of the beholder mob boss, the group decided to have a look around.   Gregory found a series of letters that, with some minor decoding, seemed to point to a deteriorating relationship between the Eye and Davrilindil. There were also various magical and non-magical loot throughout the hideout. The group knew what was out the back door, so decided to try through the front.   Grumm led the way down what proved to be a very booby-trapped passageway, on the other side of which the group had to fight a large consort of zombified assassins, ultimately holding their own, reuniting with Horros and Morgran, and discovering a hiding Iven Nedz in the back pantry of the kitchen.   Iven explained to them what he could and the group made their escape to the surface just before being overrun with zombies. The groups reconvened at the Yawning Portal, where they compared findings and came up with a plan for stopping the king's assassination.   After much preparation, and leaving (nearly) no stone unturned at the castle itself, the group found themselves guests at the king's birthday celebration, an extravagant party full of the Alabaster Isle's finest and most distinguished. The group had little time to enjoy the festivities, however, as a dignitary from Esterling flanked by two guards arrived in the grand hall and the room fell silent.   It was at that moment Morgran felt the poison he had been magically detecting. It was on the persons of the two bodyguards flanking the dignitary. The party held their ground, waiting to see what would occur. It was the bodyguards that made the first move, striking out at the high priest of Pelor and striking him dead almost instantly. It took only a second for the poison on their swords to take effect, bringing back the poor high priest as a zombie.   The grew slew the two yuan-ti assassins and, alongside the dignitary and the king, made their way back into the king's private chamber.   It was then that the king, mercilessly killing the dignitary, revealed himself to be Davrilindil. The king, it seemed, had been dead for nearly a week. A zombified moan from the closet seemed to confirm that suspicion. The party fought Davrilindil and his yuan-ti, knocking him out without ending him entirely.   Just as the dust settled a voice cried out from the doorway. It was Elos Flan, the king's secretary. "What in the world are you doing?!" he cried out in a panic. The group grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside, shutting the door to the outside world.
Lords of Chaos
Medran Emberborn
Gregory Blakhuv
Level 8 Centaur
(Bounty Hunter)
/ HP
Grumm the Brute
Elrohir Battlebard
Report Date
09 Feb 2019
Primary Location

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