Noyade's Amulet Item in Tellus Efficiens | World Anvil
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Noyade's Amulet

An amulet given to Noyade by Zallaman who claims a "little birdy" gave it to him to pass onto Noyade.   Raven Sight   3 times per day, as an action the wearer can call a spectral crow from the necklace. The crow rises from the necklace as a shadow form and coalesces into a semi-corporeal creature nearly indistinguishable from an actual crow. The crow becomes your eyes and ears while using this ability. You can no longer perceive your own senses, becoming blind, deaf, and incapacitated, but your perception through the beast includes any special senses the beast may have. You may end the link early using your action to regain your own senses. When this happens the form of the raven disipates into shadow. Any damage to the raven also causes it to disipate into shadow, ending the ability.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory

Noyade's Amulet

Wondrous Item Magical Uncommon (this item requires attunement)

+1to Dexterity, max 20 dex   A simple silver amulet in the shape of an egg.

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