Telek'mil The history of Telek'Mil Timeline
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The history of Telek'Mil

While age of Telek'Mil is impossible to be pinned down by scholars, many speculate it is far older, than anything known and fossils and artifacts found seem to validate their beliefs.

What you will find here are important historical details regarding the recent history of their world.

Old Ages

... -2000

As almost every scholar should know there have been ivilizations before those we see today, but exactly how many, or for how long is a mystery. This is the age most scholars refer to when going out to venture ruins of days past, as this era ends at the end of the last ancient civilization.

  • from -3000 to about -2500
    Dragon's Reign
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the hundreds of years dragons ruled over territories across all of Telek'Mil. Their rule was bloody and cruel and dwarves, majorly, as well as lizans were the first to accept the dragons as their new rulers and masters.

The Dark Ages

from -2000 to 0 ND

Upon the vanishing of the last ancient civilization most of their culture vanished and with it, most importantly, the practice of magic. These were times, where a mage was impossible to find and scholars where either nonexistant, or were occupied with the research for the knowledge they had lost.

  • 0 DA

    The Reawakening
    Discovery, Scientific

    The day Larius Faust managed to produce the first feat of arcane magic since the last 2000 years. This would revolutionize the realms wich have been reliant on the magic of the gods and nature to achieve results.

New Dawn

0 DA and beyond

After the resurfacing of arcane magic, civilizations started to experience the comfort of it once again. This however resulted in a powerstruggle, that rapidly increased and ultimatly resulted in the Merchant's war, an arcane war, won by the faction noone expected, the supplying merchants.

  • 0 ND

    The Reawakening
    Discovery, Scientific

    The day Larius Faust managed to produce the first feat of arcane magic since the last 2000 years. This would revolutionize the realms wich have been reliant on the magic of the gods and nature to achieve results.

  • 85 ND

    102 ND

    The Merchant's war
    Military action

    This war fundamentally shaped the center of Milodia and gave birth to an economic behemoth, after the battlefield had cleared. Never underestimate a merchant.

    More reading
    Merchant's war