Ucube Character in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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godess of Dark Fertility

(a.k.a. Consumer of worlds, Mistress of Flesh, Mother of Monsters)

Mindless, consuming and disgusting. Ucube, godess of dark fertility is often depicted as an disgusting amalgamation of flesh and sinew. Her flesh is highly mallable and from the drops of flesh dripping from her grotesque physique cocoons form and forth crawl gruesome monsters, wich may or may not be eaten by their own mother to still her insatiable hunger. While not harboring any evil intent, as it would require a minimum of thought, Ucube is driven by an eternal hunger and awards being fed by er followers with them turning into images of her children, disgusting abominations, barely able to be called human.   Ucube exists ass the twisted and dark counterpart to Mataria, godess of Harvest.

Divine Domains

Flesh, Monsters, Flesh

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Claws, fangs, maws, lumps of flesh

Tenets of Faith

Feed and become stronger   One becomes many and many become one   Take what is yours
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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